
Does He Have A Crush On Me?

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There is this guy that I have known for many years now and he has changed his whole entire style. And now he tends to make fun of me every so often. I kinda have a crush on him.

But does this mean he has a crush on me because he makes fun of me?




  1. Ok well I had a similar thing happen, a boy was teasing me and telling me that I liked some1 else when I didn't. He had a friend tell me that he liked me, then he went and almost kissed another girl. I heard rummors that they r even going out. But that doesn't mean that he doesnt like u so keep ur hopes up and play along.

  2. no

  3. Haha, ur funny

  4. Maybe, but start flirting and see if he flirts back

  5. could be.  try testing him to see, like have him do something that would be awkward if he did.  hang out with him, the two of you alone, but dont call it a date unless he asks, when he asks say "mayyyybbe!"  

  6. Honestly, no. He makes fun of you because he is probably like trying to impress his friends and to make himself feel powerful. Generally, that is the case when a girl likes a guy. I know because I had a crush on a guy and every time I would see him in the hallways of school, him and his friends would giggle and call me ugly because I was fat. Yes, it was all part of knowing that I liked him. I remember when I first met him. He was over my house one day because him and my brother were friends. He would talk to me and it was really cool. Then, when he found out that I liked him, he stopped talking to me period. That really hurt but, he never cared (at least that's what I thought). It was like I had butterflies in my stomach every time he came around and even him finding out that I liked him and the way that he treated me, I still felt the same way because of first impressions. I would come home after school on most days and go straight to my room. Some days, I would refuse to eat (I could not sleep either). I am telling you all this because you need to stop liking him. I know that it is hard but, you are worth more than someone making you feel bad about yourself. Just like Christina Agulera says, "You are beautiful no matter what people say." Although he does not like you, does not mean other guys do not like you. There is someone out there for everyone and if it takes time then, that is okay. One day he will realize that you are beautiul and he was just too dumb to see it.  

  7. Don't hope that he has-people who mocks at others cannot be considered as a good comrade or company...

    Nahanni L should be a little more careful.

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