
Does He Like Me????????????

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Ok ill start from the start what does everyone think. ill tell you every little thing. well. we are both in grade 12 and he always pays special attention to me, like he flirts with all the girls, but apparently according to my bestie (and me) he treats me a bit different. He allllways flirts with me in class, but then in the corridors kinda ignores me...its weird. he also teases me. im pretty shy and it took me a while to start talking to him cuz i aint that good with boys. now he tells everyone 'remember when i never used to talk to me' ect ect. he tells my bestie he's h**l glad i now talk to him. he playfully asks for my number, but i said i didnt think he'd use he didnt really push it. now, my friend always calls everyone sweetie, cuz its just her thing, but it s***s me off, so im always like dont sweet me! and hes like well can i sweet u...then i blush argh and he says he loves me to make me blush. when he first moved to our high school which was 3 years ago, a best friend (lets call her susie) told me that my other best friend (lets call her wendy) told her he liked me. does that make sense? well now this boy did tell wendy that he liked someone, i know that for sure. and she wasnt supposed to tell anyone, but she did tell someone and i think she told susie. and i think the person was me. that was ages ago howveer. and when he moved to our school he always used to stare at me for wayy to long and make dumb excuses to talk to me. such as locking us two in a room together when everyones outside lol. and this is gonna sound stupid, but i used to find him lookin at me with a very q***r look in his eye. like a soft candy caressing sort of look ans smile. but that look is not there anymore in his eyes. a couple of weeks ago he asked me what would i do if he asked me out. i didnt say nothin but my friend said i would say no, and i kinda agreed. well it woulda been awkward if i said yes right??????? oh yeah and he always makes excuses to touch me, like shoudler arm leg anywhere, but also does that to all the girls. Now everyone in our group (we are in the same group) is pretending we have a thing together, and keep sayin to me they cant believe i keep turnin him down. then he says we are married now. lol

what the frig is going on?




  1. What is going on is that you are wasting your time trying to figure out what he is thinking or feeling by analyzing his behavior.

    If you are interested in him and anything close to an adult relationship, start talking with him.  I mean real talk, not the cutesy flirting games.  This is the only way that you are ever going to get to know him or he to know you.

    Serious dating is not for the immature (and I am not calling you immature).  There are far too many people of both sexes who never learned how to honestly communicate when they were in their teens and find themselves just as confused when they are 40 years old.

    You might assume that he does like you.  You must like him or you wouldn't be posting this question.  What you need to be doing now is learning what interests that you are he share which will give you plenty to talk about and possible things to do together (as on dates).


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