
Does Height have to do with looks?

by Guest33378  |  earlier

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I'm 6'3" and just turned 15 years old and I look like this




  1. Youl be ok your height dosent look like its affecting your looks at all.

  2. Nope! You look fine. There are taller attractive people, and shorter attractive people.

      There are PLENTY of examples. Amongst shorter people Tom Cruise comes to mind, and taller people Tony Robbins comes to mind. I just saw both recently.

      I think Tom's like 5'6" and Tony's ofcourse 6'7" :))

  3. many kings and queens have been surrounding themselves with beauty in the hope it was contageous. And it was not however their children married with the 'surrounding beauty' In general nobility is higher than normal people. Because they simply have been exposed to a better food pattern. So beauty is connected in a way to height.

    ~But their is no direct connection

  4. Nope

  5. height hasn't much to do with looks if you are say your height and age than your body may look a little awkward but you will grow into your body and you may think your head seems a little out of proportion but that also you will grow into

  6. Yeah height figures in to looks. Even if a guy is really cute, if he is like 5' tall, that's a turnoff. But you are already 6'3 at 15, you'll be okay.  

  7. it has nothing to do with looks and i think your atractive

  8. Yep. You'll look taller.

  9. no, it doesn't.  well, not directly.  how you're viewed (straight on, from the top, from the bottom) does have some bearing on how you look.  Looks are determined by how symmetrical you are, left to right.  Also, there is a ratio of space between the eyes and how the ratio pans out between eyes, nose, and mouth.  

  10. Height has nothing to do with looks, just with how tall you are.

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