
* Does Hen came first or Egg came first?

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* Does Hen came first or Egg came first?




  1. God created the Hen and then the hen started makimn eggs.

  2. I'm assuming the egg came first as a embyo recieves all its nutrients from the egg........and since chickens lay alot of unfertilized eggs?

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  3. EGG!!!!!! idk i think eggs. they taste good scrambled, and with bacon. lol

  4. hen! think of humans... was there an embryo just lying to grow?!!? no! there was a hen that got laid!

    what q question!

  5. It was actually the rooster! Did the hen...and she laid!

  6. the first man was not given birth by a woman similarly the hr=encame first...

  7. Duh, a hen will lay an egg whether there is a rooster around or not, it just will not be fertile. In fact, a hen in her first laying year will lay one egg every 25 hours or so -- but hens do not like to lay in the afternoon, so one day, say around 3-5 (depending on daylight) she will not lay, but "skip" a day. The eggs laid in succession before the skip are called a clutch. (Bet you always wanted to know that.)

    Which came first? It is an answer many folks do not like, because the Bible is true -- not neccessarily intellectually true, but spiritually true -- and "In the Begining God created the heavens and the earth" -- I know this is a less popular belief as we near the end of the age, but it is still nonetheless true -- indeed the hen came "first" and then the egg.

    As an addendum, what is the most nutritious food for human consumption? .... ... ... .nope, guess again ... ... ... ... .nope, guess again .. ... ... ... .nope, still not even close ... ... ... .alright, I will tell you ... .. ... ...  it is mother's milk, the most nutritious food for human consumption ... ... .. . (trick question, huh ... .. ... )

    Number Two is the Egg.

    Warm wishes   ^-^

  8. Neither - and both!  The chicken, as well as other birds (along with their egg-based nurturing of the young system) evolved from creatures who were using proto-eggs to nurture their young.  Birds evolved from reptiles; and reptiles 'give birth' to egg-like sacs containing their young.  So when chickens and other birds evolved, part of that evolutionary change was for the egg-like sacs to solidify, into what we now recognise as the hard egg shell.

    There you go.  You never need to ask 'which came first the chicken or the egg?', ever again.  No more sleepless nights pondering that one.

  9. egg...

  10. i believe egg came first because the egg is the development of a cell, whereas the hen is already a living creature.

  11. if you look at evaluation theory point of is hen

  12. Mr Nagi tell me man came first or baby come first, like so hen come first from hen egg comed from egg hen come from hen egg come from egg hen come like so on they are coming plese......according to me, what do you think about the above.

  13. Egg came first, since hens evolved from other fowls, there must have been a first true hen, that emerged from an egg laid by the fowl from which hens evolved.

  14. actually, if you are a Christian and you have read the bible, you will easily identify the answer. in the story of the creation (genesis), God created the animals of the Earth... thus he made the hen and the rooster.. now these reproduced and made eggs.... hope you cleared your mind with this.. ü

  15. God made the animals and if he made the egg first, what other animal would have known how to hatch the egg? No where was said that He made babies or eggs.

  16. hi.. the answer was told in AJ tak news channel,

    at ajab-gajab program,

    that research and studies have proved that..

    EGG has come first,

    science is hypothetically saying that.. the 1st molecule that originated on earth was amino acids (protein).. and egg is full of Protein.. egg yolk are made up of calcium carbonate.. hence at first due to some chemical reaction the egg cell has arrived and sue to some biological changes and environmental condition, say some around 60,000 million yrs ago.. the egg got hatched & turnes to hen.

  17. Egg, in dictionary

  18. The egg came first.  Reptiles, amphibians and fishes laid eggs before birds evolved.

  19. Both came together. Ha!Ha!Ha!

  20. Egg. From human a**s. Long ago...In a galaxy far, far away.

  21. I think the hen... and the she laid back down to relax and have a cigarette afterward.

  22. doesen matter...i still get ma omlette :D

  23. i think the egg coz reptiles were laying eggs b4 birds . i think i dono plz correct me if i'm wrong

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