
Does Hibiscus rosasinensis produce fruit & seed.?

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If Hibiscus rosasinensis, shoe flower is propagated through cuttings, then what is the purpose of pollination & fertilisation? Why should the flowers be co colourful & attractive?




  1. a hibiscus produces seed but it doesn't produce a fruit cause its  obviously a flower!

    Hav a nice day!

  2. The fruit of Hibiscus rosa sinensis ( cultivated for the large flowers !!! ) is very rarely formed.

    It is a dry five-lobed capsule, about 3 cm long, containing three, mostly sterile seeds in each lobe, which are released when the capsule splits open at maturity. The seeds are coated with a thin red pulp.

    If seeds are fertile ( might be from a plant growing in the wild ), they will germinate more readily if seed coat is nicked with nail file

    It can set seed only if  very well-grown.

  3. That's a good question.

    I have pollinated the flowers and ended up with seeds and planted the seeds and ended up with... nothing. None of the seeds sprouted. I could never figure out what I was doing wrong.

    I did only have one plant with many stems so maybe it is self-infertile.

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