
Does Hillary Clinton Make You Sick?

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When I was watching her congradulations video on Yahoo for Barack Obama over the South Carolina win it made me very sick to my stomach at a visceral level. Bleeech.




  1. More power to this woman?     SCARY !!!!!!!!

  2. Sorry had some vomit in my mouth thinking of her..

  3. I can not believe that she is still in the race. I live in NY and I can tell you she has done NOTHING! Nothing! so why should anything about her make me anything but sick?

  4. Hill and Bubba both make me vomit  when I hear them. And give me diarrea when I see them.

  5. Only when I look at her or hear her speak.

  6. It will make me sick if she gets the nomination, because she is unelectable.  But then again, so is Obama.

  7. I don't like her.  She's only intrested in power, not America.

  8. your male dominate attitude makes me sick

  9. She does not make me sick, she makes me ill.

    Her husband makes me sick. Sick OF, not sick FROM.

    Both of them should be hung by the neck until dead, just to prevent them sucking all the oxygen out of every room they enter.

    But Obama makes me ill, too.

    Mainly because liberalism is a mental disorder.

  10. well, I thought of her naked once.

    It made me throw up in my mouth a little

  11. no stop being nasty.

  12. Yes she does. I saw a bumper sticker that read "I'm voting for Monica's ex-boyfriend's wife".  HAHA that about sums it up for me.

  13. i don't like her either


  14. She always has.

  15. She makes me sick too. She promised a lot of things years ago and nothing was accomplished. Ever since, the Clintons left the White House nothing has been the same. Tons of young black men are in jail. No universal health care! The classes between the rich and poor widen. Yes, Mr. Bush made our lives worse but Pres. Clinton set it off.

  16. i think she is bought and paid for, and if she wins the election, it will basically be her husband doing everything. and dont get me wrong, i would LOVE to have a woman president. i stand strongely for womens' rights, but i dont think she could make a strong president.

  17. Without a doubt; I keep waiting for her to release the flying monkeys to take out her competition.

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