
Does Hillary crying make her seem weak?

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Does Hillary crying make her seem weak?




  1. They're only crocodile tears, and they will come back to bite her.  No one wants a president who would cry because of disappointment.  

    This display was a cold calculation on her part but not a very wise one.  No one ever saw Margaret Thatcher or Indira Gandhi cry.

  2. No, but Hillary faking tears because a pollster said she didn't look human enough makes her seem deceptive.

  3. In my opinion,YES.

  4. it makes her seem even more fake than other impressions i get

    "this is personal.. to me..."

    PFFTT so retarded..

    i think shes playing the sympathy card and trying to get attention

  5. If you go and cry a little handful of tears when an old woman asks you how you manage to get up every morning.... what are you going to do when you are negotiating with world leaders? Turn into a blubbering idiot?

    She's dead in the water. I want my president to make our enemies cry, not get into her own little crying fit.

  6. No, only human...

  7. She was crying because she knows she is going to lose. And all she wants is POWER.

    I am glad she is going to lose, this country does not need a socialist leader.

  8. ya....she doesnt deserve to be the prez....

  9. She is weak. And she is not qualified to be president. McCain 08!

  10. depends what her reasoning was for crying

  11. Not realy,it make her look over emotional and unstable

  12. does not make her weak

  13. it made her seem more human than usual

  14. wouldn't want our candidates to seem human now would we???

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