
Does Hillary have a Split-Personality?

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Hillary Clinton says she is the Candidate who will be ready on "Day-1"!

Conflict-A) Main Issue of Bringing Troops home, She says she'll start, oh, about 60-days or so after "Day-1"

Conflict-B) Main Issue of Healthcare Universal Policy: S.C. Debate; she says is a goal, not a "Day-1" Policy Proposal.

Conflict-C) Main Issue of Social Security Rescuing: S.C Debate; Barack explains his Social Security Plan, Moderator's give Hillary opportunity to respond/debate, says nothing on the topic, and changes topic.

Conflict-D) S.C. Debate; Hillary slams Barack for associating with "slum-lord"; News Shows put picture of the Clintons smiling and hugging with with so-called "slum-lord" (first photo I've ever seen of this guy.).

Summary: Hillary wants to be "Chief Executive" (Office Manager), Barack wants to be "Commander and Chief" (Head Coach).

Do you agree/disagree, have additional examples?




  1. Yes, she does. His name is Bill.

  2. I don't know if she has a split personality or not.  You would have to ask her and her and her and her.

    IHOP voted her to their 2007 Waffler of the Year Award.

  3. Rhetoric means nothing.

  4. I dont think there is a good choice. I think they all have their own agenda and that wont be told just seen after the election. Hillary is Trying to be the first woman President and Obama is trying to be the first Black President. They are trying to make history books. I dont want either of them in. I am discusted with Oprah for endorsing Obama. We need new blood in the white house not a do over like the bush family and now the clinton family.!

  5. no she would be a great politician

  6. every day she turns into someone else just for a vote...hillary 08...I don`t think so

  7. I have tried to get a handle on just where that woman stands on Iraq.  What her online platform says is clearly not what is coming out of her mouth.  No surprise there.

    Hillary needs to fish or cut the bait.

  8. like Romeny she says whatever she thinks will get her in. Unlike Bush she speaks in sentences

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