
Does Hillary or her people read the questions and answers here on Yahoo?

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Do you think it's possible she or her campaign sometimes read this questions and answers. I for one can't stand Hillary, and I hope she does read this questions, I know I'm not the only one here who dislikes her..




  1. I bet they not only read it, but I'm sure they also plant questions and answers.

  2. I know I've gotten several hate mails from those sombitches at the local Hillary Clinton support group, and I hope she reads them I swear if Hillary gets elected, I'm moving to Mexico.

  3. I doubt it , they are to busy riding from state to state making campaign speaches. Sorry!

  4. I'm pretty sure Hillary doesnt - but I am sure some low level person in her campaign scans the internet for chats and forums discussing her so they know what issues people dont like about her and can try to address them in her speeches.

  5. better question is - can they read?

    if yes, prob not

  6. She is a very intelligent woman. I am sure she checks out her enemies thoughts, as well as her allies. Blogs like this are a good place to search out those thoughts, so keep them coming!

  7. I doubt it, they probably don't even know Yahoo exists...

  8. Why sure she does The whole world is so concerned with how you feel and think

  9. They do. The Clinton political machine is very powerful. They look at all public forums and take notes. There probably are people on her payroll that get on these forums to try to reverse negative comments.

  10. probly a liberal

  11. Well, who knows. maybe. If she does. I hope she knows that there is a big group of people that don't like her!!

    I don't. I wouldn't go as far as moving to Mexico (hate mex) but I would really vote for people who go against her. the billary is just a scary monster....did you know that the Cloverfield monster was based on them?? you know all the little creatures that come out of there had "green peace" and "al gore" and "peta"...oh that is scary. and also "baby communist" too I forgot that one.

  12. We can work this out I think...

    1) Number of references to the Election on internet sites like Yahoo, every second: 500,000,000,000

    2) Number of Clinton campaign staffers: 1000? (I have no idea)

    3) Free minutes they have each day to surf random internet sites: 5 or 6

    4) Do some maths...

    Conclusion: Nope. They're not reading.

  13. Its a free country, you should not care if she reads it . Lol. Its perfectly ok not to like a candidate here so far as I know its not illegal.

  14. My belief is they don't . . . unlike us, they have a life . . .

  15. If they do, I'll bet their ears are burning.

  16. Absolutely! They tap into whatever sources are available to gauge the public opinions.

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