
Does Hillary still want to make school children in Texas consume whale blubber?

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This cheap source of oil is now a source of food, but just in Texas, as a green subsidy?!? That's nuts!! Tell Hillary no to whale blubber and help save the Eskimo way of life!




  1. of course and parrot for lunch, thanks for the points chump

  2. H e l l yes she does! In fact, she has publicly stated that once she's in office she will make it mandatory that anybody under the age of 18 be required to eat a minimum of 8 ounces of whale blubber a day.

    Where do these idiotic questions come from?

  3. Well Bill did tell his Girl Friends that Hillary is a whale!

  4. What?????

    There are not a lot of whales still alive. They are among the world's endangered species. Whaling is not done by many countries in the world anymore, and indigeneous Arctic dwellers get a FEW, but there are not many of them. There aren't enough whales to feed the Texas school children for very long.

    If this were true, Greenpeace and such groups would be sounding the alarm.

    And, why the *Texas* school children, specifically? This does not make any sense!

  5. Would you rather walk to school or carry your lunch?

    BTW, you're no attorney.

  6. LOL!

    Yeah.....right 'o.

    As a matter of fact...lean your lil ol' ear next to my lips....lemme whisper to ya.....c'mere....a lil bit closer..... see it's like this.....

    She REALLY, really, REALLY wants to have those kids in Texas eat six-inch whale blubber combos on rosemary foccaccia....

    Now keep it a secret ok? Mum's the word y'all hear??

  7. So, she cries twice on TV. That is for 30 years of public life or I mean public wife.  Then she keeps on getting the "blubber"-ing jokes.  Get off it already. You Obama people have no shame. Or is this an Edwards supporter that hasn't given up?

  8. its good with hot sauce. and to answer your question, yes she does or so i have heard somewhere.  maybe it was in the forum.

  9. NO, but cute.  She wants to take away babies at birth, take away parents raising their  own children and put them in government owned and operated day care for brain washing into socialism.

    Think I am wrong, take time to read " It takes a Village", then you will see what she thinks is best for your kid,  and she will enforce it, if elected.

    She thinks she knows more  how to run and what we and our children need better than we do.  She is full of it.. bs.

  10. Unless you have a link backing this up... I'm going to assume that you're just on a hate-inspired rant here.

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