
Does Hillary support Palin..?

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I havent seen any comment from Hillary about Palin..what would happen if Hillary supported Palin..would the DNC turn their backs on her like they have done already...what does Hillary have to supporting Palin..where are the women in all this..




  1. No she does not, but she is not dumb enough to attack her.  I think she will stay away from commenting on her as much as possible as not to tick off any of her more moderate female supporters

  2. First of all, Palin isn't running for President for her to support. Secondly, did you watch the democratic convention??

  3. In Hillary speech she has said she is a democrat first I think respect her as a women but she does not agree with her views

  4. She a democrate and for Obama

  5. Hillary doesn't know what to do.  She does not want Obama to get elected despite what she said at the convention.  However, with Palin, McCain might actually win 2 terms and then she'll have to wait until 2016 to run again.  One thing is for sure:  she is seething mad.  I would stay away from her.

  6. she only supports herself she want to be at top of the heap .as the only thing she can see is the top .

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