
Does Homeschooling show up in your records?

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I got my GED, so does that replace all other records? What would Homeschooling show up as in your records? I would love to be able to just not mention and be good. Oh, and how easy would you be able to get this information if it's in your records and someone looks up your educational file?




  1. Most institutions and work force employees LIKE the fact that you were homeschooled.  Don't try to hide it!!

    Unless you know that there is a certain reason that homeschool is unacceptable to the person.

    Records are not kept that I know of, but the school district (KY) where I am requires that parents "inform by letter" the intention to homeschool and then that letter is somewhere in their filing cabinets.  Sleuthing would find it I suppose.

  2. If you had to register with a school district or the state where you lived, it would be in your records somewhere. If not, then no. The only people who would possibly even try to look at your educational file would be a college; I don't think an employer would be interested much less have the right to do so.

  3. If you're homeschooled then your parents are the ones keeping your records. If you have your GED and apply for college or a job and they want educational background, you'll be better off saying you were homeschooled and showing them the records your parents kept like transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, etc. Otherwise it'll just look like you dropped out of school.

  4. If you homeschooled, the only ones keeping records would be your parents.  Unless you were enrolled in some high school program under an "umbrella school" or "satellite school" system, where you send your grades in periodically, the only records would be kept by your parents.  So either stick with just the GED and don't mention homeschooling and let whoever think you were a dropout, or mention that you chose to get your GED after you were done homeschooling.  No one will expect you to produce records from homeschooling.

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