
Does Horse Racing need to change their age requirements for running on the track?

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Seeing 2 and 3 year olds bones are not developed...what about putting an age limit on the entrants to help keep those stress fractures at a minimum? Rumor has it that the race folks want those babies on the track because it increases the horse's earnings ability. So it IS all about the money??




  1. Oh lord.  Let me guess, you're one of those who is involved with horse racing ONE freaking day a year?  Obviously you know very little about it.

  2. Yes, I can see the wisdom in that.  Four, or even five year old horses would hold up better, and might even perform at a higher level.  It would still be the Triple Crown.  Who the h**l cares how old the horses are?   Yup, as it always is, it's about the money.   Like they sing in "Cabaret";  money makes the world go around!

  3. The whole flippin' thing is obviously all about money, or we wouldn't race horses.  

    There are just some people out there who want it more than others, and those people are willing to put a 2 year old on the track.

  4. I think they should make them start on the track at 4 years of age, My grandpa told me with working horses that every year worked be for 4 was 2 years off there life

  5. Absolutely ... it would benefit everyone the animals the trainers and the riders could have a better relationship with the animal and the owners would get better longevity out of their investments.It would be a more competitive sport as well because owners would have to have another horse trainig behind their showcase animal. More care would go into the horses as well

  6. IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY and the rich b******s don't care about their horses. Oh, I'm so PISSED I can't even watch NASCAR tonight.

    This poor horse put down because she was actually too young to race.

    I agree...race them at 4-5, give them a chance to get some bone density.

  7. Unless someone has proof and an x-ray machine to show that all horses are unfit to run in the wild, especially on rocks and unpaved country roads at a young age, then I think that having fragile legs from birth to adulthood is just another mystery of nature or a trait of God that he gave to horses that people think they know about and can expertly spread lies to the world as "know-it-alls" and "blowhards" that speak before thinking about proof and the truth.

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