
Does Hugh Hefner sleep with those three girls?

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My inner Freudian curiosities wonder...

Do you think those three blondes sleep with him... since it's most definately probably a yes... do you think they're all in it together? 4 at a time?




  1. Only, Holly. She really likes him. She is even talking aboutmarriage and kids with him. Yeah, right!

    Miley Cyrus

  2. ...I'm sure that old lecher exploits those blonde bimbos with all the twisted, perverted, levitra-driven fantasies that consume him, and he can muster (tough at his age).  He pays these brainless girls to live in his house of ill repute so he can have s*x as much as he wants.  Several of his former female knotheads say he is a nice guy - yeah, real nice.  He photographs them and publishes them in his magazine, and he is nice enough to sell the photos, especially if the subject of the photos is well-known (Vanna White learned that mistake she begged "Hef" not to show the photos of her in bed clothes).  Along with that, he puts them all at risk of STDs, may produce unwanted babies, and force them to have abortions if they do get pregnant or put them on the street.  

    ...After a while he will send them away when they no longer excite him or he is tired of them; lots worse than even tough love.

    ...These women may think they are gaining self-respect and stardom by committing fornication with this old fool who is old enough to be their father or grandfather.  He is using them for everything they have, putting them at risk for disease, taking photos, and committed unbridled s*x, too.  He is getting the best of them, and most of them can't see it.  They may live well for a while; that will change.

    ...God is not amused with Hefner's antics and lifestyle.

    ...Proverbs 15:3 says, "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good."

    ...Romans 14:12 says, "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God."

    ...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved (Acts 16:31)

    ...Whosoever will, may come.

  3. yes they all have confirmed such.

  4. While it's not impossible that they do, I think they are more for show at this stage of Hef's life.  Despite drugs like Viagra, I'm not thinking Hef can constantly do all we are led to believe...he must have other health concerns.

  5. Yep, they all have s*x with the old bugger.

    Strange how people will call him gross for doing it, but not say that about the girls, huh?

    It's just expected that some women will have s*x for money, and very little criticism is heard from most people.

    Always blame the guy...

  6. idk but my brother met the girls and said they were really nice!

  7. yes

  8. probably not

  9. I don't thinks that he sleeps with all 3 of them.  I mean come on the guy is 80 years old.  He would have to overdose on viagra to take on 3 women at once or even 1 a night for 3 nights.  He probably doesnt even want s*x anymore.

  10. I have no idea, but they're stupid if they do.  Look at the freak. Old doddering fool that he is.

  11. Not all of them....Holly is his serious girlfriend. I heard krista ? was actually a L*****n.

  12. as long as their check book gets bigger i'm sure they'll do whatever he wants

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