
Does Humidifiers help with babies cold ?

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i need to know if Humidifiers will help babies breath better and what Humidifier are for thanks




  1. They put moisture back into the air. I always put one in my sons room when he has a cold to help him breathe better it tends to not let his nose get stuffed up with dry snot (sorry tmi) so yes I would def. put a humidifier in your childs room if they are sick it will help them breath and makes it a lot easier on you to use the suction thing to clear out there nasal passages.

  2. My daughter's been sick for about two weeks. She was sick and last week was sounding better till last Friday. Then it came FLOODIING, and yes I mean flooding, back! I've had the humidifier in our room, which is where she still is, and it's not seemed to help in the least bit! I called the Dr. and they said sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't! They told me to use a vaporizer without the Vick's stuff in it! Gonna try that tonight. Also, heat the shower really hot and let it run, then take her in there for about 10 minutes at a time and that might help! So we'll see tonight how it goes!!! Any idea's, please email me and let me know!!! All would be appreciated!!!!!

  3. yes it should help you may not be able to see it but it helps  

  4. When we moved into our new house there was no humidifier and everbody was getting sick humidifiers help the air it helped us it should help you to. try a honeywell brand

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