
Does Ibogaine treatment really work?

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looking for a testimonial, i'm thinking of doing it.




  1. It didnt work for me. It nearly killed me. I think reviews are fake, and its banned in most countries, it doesnt do anything. Trust me I've tried it. The doctor who treated me has been struck off too.

  2. I received ibogaine in October 2009. I chose to go to a 'medical' centre in Mexico rather than receive it from a private practitioner her in Canada. Although the medical clinic in Mexico left something to be desired I felt safer knowing that a dr was available if I was to have any reaction. This sense of security held a hefty pricetag (over 6500.00). As to whether it was 100% effective...I still experienced withdrawal symptoms after the ibogaine, insomnia, night sweats, etc. which lasted for over 10 days but was milder than my historical detoxes (2). I had a VERY heavy IV opioid addiction which may have had some bearing on this.  One thing the ibogaine did do for me was completely remove the craving for opiates. This in itself was a huge step for me and helped get me through the final stages of withdrawal without using. The actual taking of the drug was relatively unpleasant, not something I would do for fun.  The 'visions' could be instantly stopped by opening ones eyes, the constant buzzing in the ears was a bit annoying but eventually you got used to it. What I found the worst was that I couldn't sleep even when I was exhausted as long as the drug was in your system (over 18 hours). The benefit of being at a clinic was that the md was able to give you something to make you sleep if things got to be too much. I wanted to experience "the full" experience so I chose not to ask although I was told that even with the sedative the ibogaine has the same physiological effect on the body, you just miss out on the visions and processing time.  This was my personal experience, others at the clinic did not have any withdrawal as I did. I think it's a chance you take when you are desperate to get clean but it's important to follow it up with addiction counseling etc. I'm still clean today but I don't believe it's entirely because of the ibogaine treatment I received. Good luck and make sure you research this fully before choosing if, how and where to take it!

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