
Does Immunization or vacinnation important for infant is advisible?

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I am staying in Malaysia. We were given a card/schedule for all the vacinnation required for baby. I heard from other parents that it is not necessary to follow all these as it just a waster of money. Is this true? Some said it may caused autism. I am confused now.




  1. The terms immunisation or vaccination is for building baby's  body defences against specific diseases.

    Today's vaccines are produced from highly purified material and are subjectived to exhaustive testing, before there are aprproved by WHO for release and public use. As a result, there are considered safe and effective.

    You can bring your new born baby to consult a paediatrician to judge the true situations in Malaysia.

  2. Immunization or vacination is a must. If you avoid it your baby ones he grows up wont be fit and healthy. Immunization or vacination helps to avoid many diseases like Polio, etc. So, please don't take the risk.

  3. There is some discussion over whether mercury present in vaccinations may have a link to autism, although studies by the American Medical Association have not found that link.  

    Weigh that against the possibility of your child developing hepatitis B, rotovirus, diptheria, polio, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, or other life-threatening diseases.  

  4. *oh my gosh! good thing I logged on. It is very important for babies to receive their scheduled immunizations.

    *First of all, it is not a waste of money! not at all! Because by giving your child his scheduled immunizations, you are protecting him from preventable childhood diseases and illnesses. You are even saving his life by preventing him to acquire deadly diseases. If you ask me, if I was very poor, I will still do my best to find money just to give my child his scheduled and proper immunization, because nothing will be more important that the health and life of my baby.

    *Also, we all know that newborn babies are immune to some diseases because of the antibodies that they got from their mothers. However, young children do not have maternal immunity against some vaccine-preventable diseases, such as whooping cough.

    *If a your baby is not vaccinated and is exposed to a disease germ, your baby's body may not be strong enough to fight the disease. And worse, it may cause you more money in bringing your child to a doctor and eventually hospital.

    *So hope I helped you big time by this, good luck to you and your child!

  5. Please Immunise. How can it be a waste of money when it can save your babies life?

    Since all this scaremongering in the press about autism there have been more cases and deaths from measles in the UK.

    A few years ago we'd nearly eradicated it completely.

    Please Immunise.

  6. There is SO much conflicting information out there on immunizations. Really all you can do is do some research, read up on it all, and make your decision from there. There's not going to be one person who can tell you what is "right" for your child. Personally after A LOT of research, I've chosen to not vaccinate and possibly later on reevaluate that decision.  

  7. I have decided to vaccinate both my kids. Back when I had my son there was no issue about whether to vaccinate or not so I can understand the confusion now. But I weighed my options and thought about how sick my children will get if I don't vaccinate and the possibility of them getting sick if I do. I would rather know they are not going to get polio, or something else they could die from than get autism which hasn't even been proven yet.

  8. The claim that it might cause autism was proven false 20 years ago.  These vaccinations are VERY important and could one day save your child's life.  Good parents always get these vaccinations for their children.

  9. supposedly there are some links with vaccines and autism. vaccines are very important because they prevent the child from diseases and other things. personally i will keep up with the vaccines of my daughter i want her to be safe and healthy. better to have a healthy baby than a sick one.

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