
Does India deserves democracy?

by  |  earlier

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this question is raised in my daughters debate, can anybody help?




  1. Firstly the question would be "Does India deserve democracy"

    With the existing level of corruption in every level of government...she deserves but this is not helping...without democracy  such diverse cultures would fail to coexist on the other hand...and who is to decide whether she deserves? and give it accordingly? what is meant by deserve ofcourse every country MUST have democracy eventually. Yes i say eventually, what india needs now is a dictator. For atleast 20 years. This will teach the politics walas some discipline and to some extent remove this corruption(dictator must be uncorrupt) , people will suffer but that will ensure us a future better economy,

  2. India deserves democracy by all means. But we indians lack national feeling. We make it a mockery by indulging in corruption,taking laws in ones own hands by killing fellow human beings mercilessly and destroying public and private properties.We do not follow the democratic values in its full sense.We should strengthen our judiciary and try to find solutions to the social injustice. Above all we cultivate good national feeling.

  3. YES.

  4. people get the government they deserve.

    so india deserves what it has,just as pakistan and china have

    what they deserve - for that matter any country.

  5. Yes, they do.

    But it is not perfect right now. Need more some time.  

  6. Nation building in India depends on Democracy, secularism, Socialism.

    Democracy is a response to caste-feudal exploitation, colonial rampage, economic stagnation, autocracy etc.

    Democracy is a challenge to build new edifice for the future, based on equality, liberty, justice and fraternity, coalescing the world’s most complex and diverse society.

    Peole forget that Democracy is a tender plant of 62 years in fornt of 6000 years of autocracy. Previous systems have taken out all that was vital for the nation. 6000 years of destruction and only 62 years for construction, that too admist the challenges thrown by deviant characters!

  7. This is a good thing to review back after 60 years of hard fought freedom.

    Putting aside the individual efforts and contributions,

    1. We haven't got rid of poverty, beggars.

    2. The illiterate level hasn't improved. Unemployment rate is getting higher every year.

    3. We see people unhappy over everyother issue. This is based on the striked, bandh, protest.

    4. People of different religions and races don't seem to live harmoniously.

    5. In the world front, we're far behind on the development and economy.

    6. We're far behind on the sports arena.

    7. We don't have quality life looking at the quality of water that we drink, quality of air, current cuts for almost 3/4 day.

    8. People have to fear going to the hospital. Fear for removal of their organs.

    9. Professions to be respected and looked upon are bringing shame (doctor, lawyers, scientist)

    10. People dare to sell their country for money (army secrets leak, inventions leak).

    11. Indian traditions, cultures and values are going down the drain.

    We have advanced only in population, corruption and HIV AIDS. It is very sad and sorry that INDIANS don't deserve the democracy.

  8. What is wrong with the present Democarcy system in India.??

    Yes Democracy is the right system for India.

    Every individual has a right for representation.

    Legal system is available for redressal of grievances.

    Womens & Child - the rights and previleges are protected.

    Senior Citizens have been given special status in spheres of life.

    Communication systems have been adopted for remote villages.

    Public Transportation has been given top priority.

    Use of Internet, web sites and communication setups are not only encouraged but brought into impletations.

    Various laws, rules and regulations are being ammended through Bills passed in the Parliament.

    Would all this progress been possible without Democracy?

    Impress upon your Daughter to elucidate all this factors broadly in the forthcoming dabate.

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