
Does Induced labor cause c-sections?

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I have just under 3 weeks before my due date and two of my friends have already been induced and they have had c-sections, where as two of my other friends did not and they didn't have c-sections and all four woman were in same perfect health. I heard that now more dr. are inducing labour and its cause twice as many c-sections then before. I understand that if there is something medically wrong then they HAVE to do a c-section and I would never jeopardized my baby however I want to know, how many people so far or in the past have had induced labour and in the end have had c-sections. Also if anyone is in the medical field and can tell me what my options are in saying No for an induction as long as the babies health is not jeopardized.




  1. When you have labor induced it is much more painful then having a natural birth, this causes more women to want an epidural.  Epidurals can (and often do) stall labor.  If your labor stalls or stops then you will have "failure to progress" and will be given a c-section.  So, it's not the induction that causes the c-sections, it's the epidurals.

    You can always say no to an induction as long as you and the baby are healthy.  

  2. I've been induced twice with the prostaglandin gel or whatever it is and have delivered two healthy vaginally so because you are being induced - doesnt necessarily mean you will have c-section unless of course there is an underlying problem. My reason for induction was pre-eclampsia and also bubs had stopped growing.

    But fingers crossed for you.GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. It doesn't mean you will have a c-section for certain but an induction does carry a greater risk of needing a c-section. I had a planned induction with my 3rd pergnancy and it was fantastic. The whole process was planned and very calm and I felt totally in control and I had a normal delivery without the need for a c-section.

  4. I had a natural labour and i was induced! I found the induction to be very painful though and next time i fall pregnant i don't want to be induced...i want to go into labour on my own! There was no medical reason for me being induced...i pleaded with the doctor to get it over and done with cause i was sick of being pregnant! Good luck xoxox

  5. Being induced does not cause c-sections.  The only reason they would do a c-section after being induced is because the induction did not work.

    I had a c-section with my first child, an induction with the second, and a c-section with my third.

    The induction worked just fine.  They first broke my water, which did not do much.  They then gave me the pitocin which worked and it was no time at all before the baby was there with VERY little labor.  It happened VERY quickly and pretty much pain free.

    The reason they would induce is because you're body isn't following the normal procedures to cause natural labor.  It has nothing to do with the health of the mother and baby.  If the doctors were concerned about the health of either, they would then do a c-section, or if the induction did not work.

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