
Does Invisible Fencing really work?

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..or can and will dogs still dart across it? I don't want to invest in it unless it's 100% worth it.




  1. as if!!!!

  2. We have used these fencing for over a decade, for three large dogs, and swear by it. Note that large dogs with thick long hair should be trained to the fence as pups though. Dogs of any size and age with short hair can be trained easily though. Once a dog is trained to "hear and fear" the beeping sound they pick up as they near the wire... they will always respect that sound even if they barely feel a shock as adults.

    My sister-in-law tried to train her adult long-haired St. Bernard to one and it just ignorred the sound...trained too late for it's heavy coat.

    On the other hand...

    The first dog we trained to this fence was an adult with short hair and it worked with her.

    We currently have two adult New Foundlands, trained to the wire as pups, who still respect the beep dispite their heavy coats.


    The only problem with these fences is that they will not keep stray dogs out of your yard.

    You must also remember to test your dog's collar from time to time to make sure the battery hasn't gone dead. Replacement batteries can be bought, though.

    It is also a good idea to turn your fence off during electrical storms if you think to.. so any near by lightening strikes will not short your fence out.

    Let me put it like this...even if my yard were fenced in with a traditional fence... I would still install an "Invisible Fence" as well.

    Traditional fences can be jumped, climbed and dug under...gates can be left open, but your dog won't get out as long as your "Invisible Fence" and your dog's collar have power.

  3. I would advise against it.  If the dog sees something to chase and starts running toward the fence, the dog could just breeze through, even if the dog has an electronic collar on. In the heat of the chase the invisible fence will not stop the dog. Also the fence does nothing to keep animals out of your yard, animals that could attack your dog.  You would be better off to erect a 4 foot chain link fence. This would keep your dog in and other animals out.


    I would also like to add that if your dog does get out, when the dog comes wandering back after getting out, the same fence designed to keep your dog in the yard will now keep your dog from re-entering your yard.

  4. yes it does and very well to i might add. !!

  5. invisibile fencing most useful for keep out ghosts

    try visible fencing. i am district champion in varsity  in fencing, but only visible

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