
Does Iodum work well to help cure the autoimmune condition, grave's disease - hyperthyroidism?

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My brother is taking a low dose of an antithyroid medication, which has helped minimize the hyper-symptoms, but his TSH levels are almost non-existant. Anyone use Iodum successfully? Any side affects? This remedy was prescribed by an homepathic professional.




  1. Here is another thought.

    Many autoimmune health problems are or can be made worse or better by diet.

    Here are a few pub med studies on just selenium.

    Rather than supplementing, just eat a healthy diet. More importantly, avoid toxins in foods. Major link with them and autoimmune disease.

    And eat a diet that will boost the intracellular glutathione.

    The second below shows the danger of too much selenium.

    Better to get it through 2 Brazil nuts a day. Can't overdose on Brazil nuts as easily.  Each nut has 100 mcg. Prostate Cancer and burn patients both get 200 mcg per day.

  2. There are alot of medicines in homeopathy for hyperthyroidism

    Iodum is one of them

    Others are Spongia tosta, Fucus,

    For a detailed drug picture  you can read boerickes materia medica, match the symptoms by urself.

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