
Does Iran have an important place in the Muslim world?Because of its contribution to Islamic culture and....?

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  1. Iran is claimed to be Islamic Shia'a country, but they don't apply islam into their life, because they just kill and destroy country's like Iraq and lebanon through hezbollah, so they are hiding under the name of Islam.

    They don't have a place in the muslim world that muslim's have to visited it yearly, like some holy Mosque like Qaba in saudia arabia.  

  2. Forget the science and inventions (everyone takes credit for stuff they didn't invent or discover). The Iranians were originally the Persians an old, and important civilization along with the Chinese and Indians. They did have a lot going for them at their height. Like all civilizations of that time they became decadent and collapsed, in much the same way that the present oil-fueled civilisations of today will die out in the not too distant future.

  3. I am a muslim sunni and I am telling you that Iran had played a very important role in the islamic culture and civilization.

    Who can forget great  physician like Ibn-Sina or Al-farabi or al gahzali or a  mathematician like  Muhammad Ibn Musa-al-Kharazmi and many others.

    we shouldn't dismiss its history and role now and before, not just in muslim world but in the whole world  because of current events


  4. Once they get nuclear bombs they will have a very important place in the Muslim world. King of the hill.

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