
Does Ireland allow gun ownership? Hunting? If not , why?

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Do they let the citizens have a gun in the home for protection?

Do they allow citizens to own shotguns for hunting birds and rabbits, deer? Have they ever allowed gun ownership. How can they protect themselves from home invasion? It would seem a country that has suffered from English oppression for such a long time would arm themselves.




  1. no for the obvious reasons.  We are not gun happy here like America so we don't need them to protect ourselves

  2. You can have a gun for hunting, but it has to be licensed and you have to be able to provide confirmation letters from landowners, giving you permission to hunt on their land etc.

    I am not in favour of regular citizens having and carrying guns.

  3. No were not legally allowed have guns for protection...ffs the guards arent even allowed have guns for protection here! you can have a shotgun for hunting animals, you need a licence for that.

    Ireland is (you could say) very safe in most places - we dont really need to worry about some gang breaking down the front door with guns or anything like that.  Its better that people arent armed - thats where most other countries have gone wrong!

  4. we dont have guns because it would make it easier for crime to go unnoticed. america has guns and there hasnt been a day gone by with at least 50 shootings. ireland has guns coming through illeagaly and that has alread proven a hard task to deal with. if the guns were legal then the increase in crime will grow rapidly.

    it is possible to get a hunting gun but you have to have a lisence and pay a lot for it. this gun can ONLY be used for hunting and farmwork etc

  5. Thankfully we don't allow gun ownership. As for why?  Well because its safer that way.  The less people own guns...the less likely your are going to get shot

  6. when you say it would seem a country that has suffered from English oppression for such a long time would arm themselves, do you think the queen's just gonna march up to my front door and deliver a roundhouse kick to my chest and take my tv?

    cos...cos thats not happened to me. ( i live in a nice area though)

    i'm not the one being silly here- i'm just curous as to how 'english oppression' would have an effect on our gun laws. And we've got bad people here too, so the last thing we'd wanna do is make it easier for them to arm themselves, dontcha think?

    You have oppression in your country, too. you also have incredibly relaxed gun laws and look at the rate of gun crime in the US. (i'm not at all saying Ireland is a gun free utpoia, but    arming everyone would just make things worse)

    Side note: The British could nuke the c**p out of us any second if they felt like it- fact is, they're over it, how bout ther rest of the world gets over it, too, and knock off this c**p about 'British Oppression'

    why would you Want to blow someone to heck and back?

  7. gun ownership illegal to avoid's a safe enough country not to have to own a can get gun licence for hunting, but you're never allowed to own anything other than a semi-autimatic rifle or shotgun. most country's go wrong by allowing guns. i saw a documentary on texas in my school.a texas man said that he was in favour of every adult carrying a gun around with them all the time being compulsory.he said that this way, no-one would shoot anyone else(if you shot someone as an act of crime, someone else(who would definitely have a gun) would just shhot you).i ask you:would it not be easier and safer if no-one owned guns?

  8. Basic logic:

    If nobody has a gun, then nobody needs a gun to protect themselves from people with guns. Duh.

    Even our guards aren't armed.

    England aren't going to re-invade!! They just left!!

  9. Yes you can own a gun, hand guns are not allowed. only small rifles and shotguns.

    You have to be over sixteen and a member of a gun club or if you want to shoot on your own private land which you own you can apply for a license that only allows you to shoot on the lands described on the license.

    in regards to arming ourselves for opression, seven hundred years of blood shed is enough, we wont be invaided ever again. a gun does not give you protection, we have seen the sadness of civil war, when irishman killed irishman, the us constitution would need to be amended to clarify that the right to bear arms does not entitle you to purchase an assalt rifle or a hand cannon. we dont live in fear here as they do in the US,

    No Guns no problems, it is so simple.

    Besides everyone in the whole world knows what the irish have done to the british, so they know not to p**s us off by invading us. The  lesson is simple dont p**s us off by invading us or we will blow you all the way to h**l and back for thirty years.


    Go and read some books on irish history

    You acknowledge you have bad people there but should these bad people have access to guns.

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