
Does Islam accept science? If so what if...?

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....scientist proved (no longer was a 'theory') that we all came from a single organism and each thing evolved from this one organism?? Would we have to completly throw out and disregard the Adam and Eve story??

Also, why does the Torah imply that the earth is only a few thousand years old when there is proof that it's billions of years old? What's up with that?




  1. you are a atheist .

  2. Salam for you. Yes Islam accepts sciences because :

    1)there are many challenges about sciences that should be proved by scientists such as about the creation of fetus in the womb after sperms and egg cells meet, the movement of earth,sun and moon,the creation of rain and wind, the function of mountain like the nails of earth,the occurence of earth quakes,the existence of stars and the creation of this universe etc

    2)Allah spoke in the Qur'an that Allah will give more rewards and give higher level to the scientists.

    3)Allah and also Muhammad pbuh has suggested to search knowledge

    s since childhood upto the nearing die although it should be done to the chinese country in the east

    4)Allah and Muhammad pbuh suggested us to make more good doings

    which will give benefit to other people

    Dr Maurice Bucaille of France wrote a best seller book called The Qur'an and Modern Science(1981). He concluded that modern sciences are always in line with the holy Qur'an.(no contadictions at all)

  3. All c**p.. low faith = believe in  c**p..

  4. Islam and science don't mix.

  5. We do believe in science.

  6. The Torah is a book of stories and rules that are supposed to help us live our lives better.  Even the kosher laws were handed down in the hopes that we would not eat 'unclean' food.

    Jews do not take that portion of the Torah literally; it's the christians who cannot distinguish between myth and reality.  We accept science and progress for what they are.

  7. Scientists use the term 'pseudo-science' when religion offers a scientific explanation for its views. Non-religious science involves gathering the facts available and drawing conclusions based on those facts. Religious science is having a conclusion and gathering whatever facts are available to support the conclusion (and rejecting any facts that seem to contradict the conclusion). It really depends on whether you consider your initial conclusion absolutely infallable or not.

    Evolution of plants and animals is a fact. Few of today's species match the fossils of millions of years ago. The only controversy is whether homo sapiens are part of this scientific law or not.

    Torah doesn't match science because they had no idea how big or old the world was. Noah's ark says the enteire world was flooded, which was impossible. Quran never says the whole world was flooded, making this version of the story scientifically valid.

  8. we believe science in general, only if it is established by proof.

    But we also believe that there can be exceptions to science which are called miracle.

    BTW, evolution is a hypothesis. It can never be observed and experimented.

  9. Maybe you should watch the link below.

    Also the Torah does not mention that the earth is a few Thousand years old. Infact people calculated that and assumed it was 6000 - 10,000 years old.  

  10. I do not accept Islam.But i have no animosity towards Muslims. Do they consider me an enemy?

  11. Theory of Evolution is still THEORY. It is not an established fact

    Darwin himself based his book descent of man, on the basis of structural resemblances between man and apes. He did not say that he had proved it. Just like when he was on the voyage of HMS Beagle on the Galapagos Islands he noticed different finches on neighbouring islands having minor differences from each other. He concluded that all these finches had evolved from a common ancestor. Similarly he noticed resemblances between man and monkey and concluded that both had evolved from a common ancestor.

    If structural resemblance is the only criterion then we have a good resemblance with many other creatures as well. The wing of a bat, fin of a whale and arm of a man are bone and similar to each other yet these are totally different from each other and cannot be grouped together.

    Similarly, as dissection of the frog’s body is taught to medical students the human beings have system for system, muscle for muscle nerve for nevre and vessel for vessel a resemblance with the frog. But can they be grouped together?

    But are we similar to other creatures in features such as locomotive reproductive, respiratory, endocrine genito-urinary, cardiac and central nervous systems? But this does not mean that man and other creatures can be grouped together with a common ancestor.

    The Encyclopedia Britanica has criticised the idea of having a common ancestor on the basis of structural resemblance. It says, “In the absence of a fossil record, structural and other adaptations have been projected back as an ancestral condition from living descendent species; but this is a very risky procedure that dismisses morphological transformation and adaptation and assumes stasis without complementary confirmation.”

    As far as man’s resemblance with other creatures is concerned the Holy Qur’an says, “There is not an animal on earth nor a bird that flies on its wings but they are all communities like you.”

    It is quite easy to understand that man has similarities with other creatures in various body systems although it is at variance with different species, yet man enjoys a unique position. Today there are one million species of animals and two hundred thousand species of plants. Scientists also say that todays’ existing species are just 0.1 percent of the total species that this earth ever witnessed.

    It means that 99.9 per cent of species have already died out and became extinct. So, out of the 2 billion species that ever existed on earth why is man the only species which has such a highly developed brain? Why is he the only one who communicates with each other with the help of a complete verbal language. Why do no other species come closer to man in these characteristics? Darwin’s theory is based on natural selection, which means that the evolutionary process takes place only when there is a need for it. For example giraffes grew long necks as they needed to eat the leaves of tall trees.

    The question is what was the need which made man to develop so fast and evolve in to such a remarkable intellectual and social creature that he is unmatched by the two billion species which ever existed on this earth.

    If, according to Darwin, monkeys and apes had the same ancestors as mankind, then why did they not develop into creatures resembling man. Why did they remain so far behind whereas the environmental conditions and rules of evolution apply equally to all species.

    In fact, from the evolutionary point of view man has shown some negative trends as compared to these species. For example, if at all man has evolved from a common ancestor of monkeys and apes, why is a new-born human infant so dependent on his parents for a relatively much longer time, as compared to the offspring of monkeys who are up and about in a much shorter time after birth. Remember that evolution is a process which improves the ability of a species to live in a better manner in an environment. It does not take away the already existing good features.


    Henry Gee, editor of Nature

  12. Read the Quran. Many of the scientific facts we are discovering today have been in the Quran for years.  

  13. Not sure what the Torah says, but some of it is right, maybe a lot of it, never read it though.

    The whole big bang thing and all is stupid, it may be true, but what made that one organism? Allah (SWT) then everything else occurred, Adam, Eve, etc.

  14. then we would still have faith in Allah no matter what...

    you make it sound like you expect us to believe scientists over Allah

    Edit; i didn't mean to sound rude about it sorriez lol

  15. Torah doesn't imply earth is only a few thousand years old.  Genesis story is the earth was created in 6 days with god resting on the 7th, which goes hand in hand with islam (minus the resting part).   Islam we know these to be metaphorical days.....and the torah even states that a day in heaven could be thousands of years on earth (also remember back in the olden days....."thousands" was figurative for a really big number....millions and billions was realistically inconceivable).  But for some reason the christians say noooooo...its different in this case, and these are 6 24-hour days.  

    Evolution is fine in islam.   Realize that bacteria from the scientific perspective is just as alive as we humans are.   I don't understand why vegans are anti killing animals, but completely fine with killing and eating innocent baby carrots.  Scientifically, in terms of life, they are the same...alive.  

    And the quran states adam was created in stages.   Finally he was brought to life with a soul.  

    Even when we are born....islamically we are not alive until 120 days after conception when we are given a soul....but scientifically we are a live.  

    Islam makes the distinction of life with a soul.  

    Plus evolution can't be proven without a time machine which would require us to travel faster than the speed of light (impossible), in order to go back in time, or to travel near the speed of light to go forward in time...but then you couldn't return to this time ever.    

  16. "...from a new angle and with a fresh vigor, it (the Arab mind) took up that systematic development of positive knowledge which the greeks had begun and relinquished. ..Through the Arabs it was and not by the Latin route that the modern world received that light and power." 'The Outline of History' by H.G. Wells

    "Our use of the phrase, 'the Dark Ages' to cover the period from 699 to 1000 marks our undue concentration on Western Europe...from India to Spain, the brilliant civilization of Islam flourished." History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russel, 1948

    "Europe was darkened at sunset, Cordova shone with public lamps: Europe was dirty, Cordova built a thousand baths, Europe was covered in vermin, Cordova changed its undergarments daily: Europe lay in mud, Cordova's streets were paved...Europe could not sign its name, Cordova's children went to school. Europe's monks could not read the baptismal service, Cordova's teachers created a library of Alexandrian dimensions," The Story of Medicine by Victor Robinson

    Look up Avincenna and muslim contributions to science and medicine. Also, Abu Yusuf ibn Ishaq al-Kindi arithmatic, geometry, meteorology, etc.

    The evolution thing isn't as loose as it sounds. Man is man, ape is ape. Animals do not transform into other animals, though they adapt to circumstances. The single-cell thing isn't actually traced backto a place and moment in time. And calculations based on Biblical events can't be relied on at all with any benefit to facts.

    Throwing out Adam and Eve is throwing out some of the Book of Allah, no? Maybe understanding is loose here and there, but removing the account is not a solution for it. Better to try to get a clear understanding of it.

  17. koran also proves that Angels have long wings and can fly  

  18. What do you mean, does Islam accept science?  Islam kept science alive during the dark ages of Christian Europe then they took the ball and had their Reformation, Renaissance and developed Capitalism with its emphasis on Humanism.  Please don't put Islam back where it does not

    belong.  !!!  Of course it accepts Science unless you want to let some Wahabi nut cases speak for Islam!!!

  19. religous theory V the science theory?

    i pick science.

  20. Allah has created all sciences.  Humans only discover with their research.  Often scientists think they have discovered every thing. But few decades later other scientists prove the first ones to be wrong.

    What Allah has written on a scientific point, only that is correct and what they say is wrong. This has to be the basic belief of every Muslim.

    Believers on evolution  could be write about lots of species.  But Allah created Adam specially by his own hands.  Allah has used in human body 70% water also and same could be true for bodies of animals also. Adam was not evolved from any other animal (monkey, gorrila or Champeze).

    Allah has written in Quran that he created every living speci from  water.

    This statement can be interpreted so many ways. Allah created inside the water or by use of water. We know lots of insects and fish are created in the water.  People have to do good research on this topic to get to the bottom of it.

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