
Does Islam allow slavery please answer!!!?

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I was reading and it was saying Muslims are allowed to have slaves...

is it true??

i belive no one should be property to anyone...




  1. I don't think that slavery is allowed either.

    But I totally agree with you 100%.

  2. yes, but under limited circumstances as stated above.  it is only allowed for the purpose of labor, and it is haram to enslave somebody based on their race or skin color, as americans did in history.  that is absolutely forbidden.  

  3. Lawful enslavement was restricted to two instances: capture in war (on the condition that the prisoner is not a Muslim), or birth in slavery. Islamic law did not recognize the classes of slave from pre-Islamic Arabia including those sold or given into slavery by themselves and others, and those indebted into slavery.

    The adoption of slaves as members of the family was common, according to Levy. If a slave was born and brought and brought up in the master's household he was never sold, except in exceptional circumstances.

    Freed slaves are able to occupy any office within the Islamic government, and instances of this in history include the Mamluk who ruled Egypt for almost 260 years and the eunuchs who have held military and administrative positions of note.

    Syed Qutb, the most renowned scholar of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood said in his (Tafsir) of the Quran

        "And concerning slavery, that was when slavery was a world-wide structure and which was conducted amongst Muslims and their enemies in the form of enslaving of prisoners of war. And it was necessary for Islam to adopt a similar line of practise until the world devised a new code of practise during war other than enslavement"

    Islam has clearly and categorically forbidden the primitive practice of capturing a free man, to make him a slave or to sell him into slavery. On this point the clear and unequivocal words of [Muhammad] are as follows:

        "There are three categories of people against whom I shall myself be a plaintiff on the Day of Judgement. Of these three, one is he who enslaves a free man, then sells him and eats this money" (al-Bukhari and Ibn Majjah).

    In Islam, slaves were to eat the same food as the master, sit at the same table, wear the same clothes and to not be burdened with work that the master wouldn't want to do as well. Freeing slaves was one of the most meritorious acts to get rid of sin.

  4. Certain things that were allowed in the pre-modern times are not applicable today.  Slavery was one such thing that no one practices today.

    Islam set the ball rolling in eliminating slavery starting with the Prophet (p) himself who gave slaves rights, freed them, advised others to free them and palced great reward in freeing them and adopted one as his son.

    If society has overcome this evil, then no one should revive it, for society has evolved for the better in this aspect.

    Slavery DOES exist in the world today, contrary to what you may think.  Droves of women from Eastern Europe, South Asia and South East Asia are trapped to work as s*x workers in client states, mostly richer neighboring nations or the West.

  5. The Qur'an, the holy book, and the hadith, the sayings of Muhammad, see slavery as an exceptional condition that can be entered into under certain limited circumstances.[3] They also consider manumission of a slave to be one of many meritorious deeds available for the expiation of sins.[4] For a variety of reasons, internal growth of the slave population was not enough to fulfill the demand in Muslim society. This resulted in massive importation, which involved enormous suffering and loss of life from the capture and transportation of slaves from non-Muslim lands.[5] In theory, slavery in Islamic law does not have a racial or color component, although this has not always been the case in practice.[6]

    The Arab slave trade was most active in West Asia, North Africa and East Africa. and by the end of the 19th century such activity had reached a low ebb. In the early 20th century (post World War I) slavery was gradually outlawed and suppressed in Muslim lands, largely due to pressure exerted by Western nations such as Britain and France.[3] However, slavery claiming the sanction of Islam is documented presently in the African republics of Chad, Mauritania, Niger, Mali and Sudan

  6. Islam does NOT allow slavery or slaves.

    Slavery was an act that was practiced since long. The source of slaves were the captives of war:

    The verse 8:67 informs us that the primary source of slaves were the captives of war:



    No prophet shall acquire captives, unless he participates in the fighting. You people are seeking the materials of this world, while GOD advocates the Hereafter. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.


    Then subsequently slavery was terminated through the order in 47:4



    If you encounter (in war) those who disbelieve, you may strike the necks. If you take them as captives you may set them free or ransom them, until the war ends. Had GOD willed, He could have granted you victory, without war. But He thus tests you by one another. As for those who get killed in the cause of GOD, He will never put their sacrifice to waste.


    As you can see that the POWs are to be released ULTIMATELY in any case e.g. during the war for ransom, and after the war even without any ransom.

    Therefore SLAVERY is NOT allowed in Islam.

  7. Of course slavery is allowed! Our beloved prophet had slaves did he not?

    Abraham had slaves. The law told him to circumcise everyone under his household INCLUDING SLAVES. Did it not? Allah gave the Israelites the Laws of Moses, right? In the laws of Moses it gives you COMMANDMENTS on how to treat your slaves and concubines!

    Slavery is legal. Yes. But you can't treat them like garbage, like how the so-called white man did to the slaves he enslaved.

    You must be HUMAN about it. But yes it is legal.

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