
Does Islam allow you to experience the presence of Allah?

by  |  earlier

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Or is He distant? If you do experience Him, please elaborate.




  1. you hit the jack pot!

    my book=

    the Ascension in the Knolwedge and Love of Allah swt / God

    can be help to you


    And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way.

    up to you to FEEL IT

  2. doesnt allah mean god in arabic?

  3. You can't experience the presence of an imaginary being.

    If you get a reaction, it's called 'The Placebo Effect'.

  4. ofcourse i've experienced the presence of God and i believe in God with allmy heart

    and although iam muslim i just can't put that in words but i feel that~thank God.

  5. Qaf {50:16}

    "We verily created man and We know what his soul whispereth to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein."

    I think that explains it.

    Allah is everywhere. I feel His presence when I'm about to do wrong. He has made my life easy for me and it couldn't be much simpler.

  6. wel before i accepted islam, i felt nothing of god, when people ask me my religion, i would say there is no god and it is not necessary, but whenever i was alone at times , i would say "god please show me the right path, show me real from what is fake and guide me to something that i can hold on to" and you know what, here i am today, a muslim, i mean yes i may have many sins and some people might say things and argue on who religion is true from who is not but those things dont matter what matter is what you set your heart into believing and in my heart i know god is with me and there is no doubt in my mind of god, you just gotta pray from the heart and not the mind, god has helped me so much in my life today and that i am grateful for......say your prayers and read the quran, this brings you closer to god.........

    say "how ar rahman nur raheem" a few times when you finish pray

    also if you are interest in islam please do not use this section and used the society & culture then go to holidays then go to ramadan. they will give u the best response

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