
Does Israel Have Smart Germs?

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J , I did say smart

reserch a bit, you will be surprised




  1. When Iran threatened to fire nuclear missiles at Israel, Israel had to create some "smart germs" in self-defense.

  2. Yes Israel has it.  It's stored in Dimona and Jerusalem and soon to be in all plastic explosives shipped to middle east. The next Arab that makes a wrong move will cause their own destruction.

    Symptoms of exposure to the germ are shown in the form of reduced intelligence.

    Nobody can track it back to Israel.  Everyone already thinks the Arabs are stupid.

  3. Depends!  Are the Jewish Israeli or Arab?

    I started to send you a link, but I'm not feeling mean right now.

    I have done my research and I know for a fact that Syria has Germs and that they intend to use them.  Otherwise why would they have killed all those Techs trying to figure out how to strap it to one of their missiles?

    I think they have and when they use them in Golan it will be the end of Damascus.  I have said this many times.  Why do you feel that I need to do research.

    Every country in the world capable of maintaining a lab perpetually has some bio hazard experiment going.  It's cheaper than bombs.  Can be used internally if necessary.

    Israel; has it but would never use it.  Not gas.  They have seen the effects of that first hand and won't use it.  What's more when Syria does, it will serve to infuriate the Israeli's and revenge will be swift.

  4. Sure, sure Israel is full of germs.

    Small ones, big ones, smelly ones, ugly ones, you name it.

    Itchin' and scratchin' all day long.

    mean MFs.

    That's one of the main reasons i quit livin' on that land.

    Oh, yeah, and the mosquitos!

    G-d those beetches could suck up an elephants juice before you know it.

    And rats. Yeah. Some Huge desert rats that looked like the PM himself.

    Ehoudis we call them, I think. These critters can steal anything. I mean ANYTHING! You hear?

    Regards from Kinshasha (or Leopoldstad as us Gentiles call it)


  5. They have Smart Genes!

  6. Probably. Hey, Tobi, I wish the Israelis I know would use their "smart genes!"

  7. I doubt it.  I think we would have heard about it.

  8. I believe they probably do just as the US does. Thing is that is a door that should remain closed,no good can come from it.

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