
Does Israel embrace voodoo, etc.?

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When the Jewish people or Israel are in trouble or are being criticized for something they have done wrong (like persecuting Christians) they pray to God or do they turn to their Pagan friends from the JPA and ask them to put some mojo or hoodoo onto their enemies? What do you think? Will the Jews have the pagans send a swarm of cockroaches against the Christians? It has been the Christians who have supported them, so why do they ally themselves with unbelievers (animists, occultists, shamanists, etc.) and persecute those who actually believe in God?

If I travel to Israel will I be persecuted? Will my Bible be confiscated and burned? Will I become the victim of voodoo?




  1. no

  2. "It has been the Christians who have supported them,"

    you mean like when you tortured and killed us during the inquisition? or when you looked the other way during ww2? that's some fine support there.

    i'll take an honest pagan over your crapola any day. yeah, come to israel, we'll use santeria on you.

  3. LMAO

    actually we all secretly worship the devil, the ant queen,Rumpelstiltskin, fairies,unicorns,hobbits,gargamel,black flies and the lord voldermort.

    we're still waiting for them to solve our problems but it just taking too


    mmmmmmm maybe we should add someone else...

    any suggestions?

  4. Israeli law protects peoples right to religious freedom. So no, you will not be persecuted by the government. However you may occassionally run into religious extremists but you can find just as much of those in america.  The Israeli government has been doing it's best to control it.

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