
Does Italy's tap water make you sick if you drink?

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I've heard this a few times before. I'm just wondering if it's completely true, and if anyone could give me more information about it.




  1. I lived in Gaeta (Almafi coast) and we NEVER consumed the water. When going to restaurants, be sure to ALWAYS ask for bottled water. At times, the water is not potable. I hope this helps.

  2. I'm an American living in italy and the water doesn't make me, my family, or any of the italians sick. Furthermore i have heard no reports of people getting sick by drinking italian tap water. some time ago some terrorists up north used syringes to poisen BOTTLED water, but were all caught. Still, if you want to take precautions, when your in the north always turn bottled water upside down to see if any come out of hole in the top. If so it is poisened and you should report it to the Carabinieri (phone number 112). Still, like i said, the problem was solved some time ago.

  3. Tap water's fine unless clearly specified, we have very good water, i drink it all the time and so everyone i know..

    The only doubt i have is that maybe we are so used to it so it doesnt bother us but if you're used to filtered water it may cause you some problem, but nothing major of course, just a "jet-lag" thing..

  4. I am a tap water person and I had no trouble drinking the water in Italy.  I usually drink tap water in the states, so drinking from the fountains in the street was fun!  The water was so cool and refreshing and it sure beats carrying a water bottle or paying money for a drink.

  5. Yes, but it doesn't make Italians sick, whenever you go out of your own country, it's always best to use bottled or boiled water, because the water in foreign countries is different.

  6. No!

    Italy's tap water is very safe.... In some cities and most villages, the tap water is actually well or spring water, so it is like drinking bottled water.

    The problem is, if you are used to north american tap water, your body might not be used to all the minerals in the tap water, so your stomach might need a little getting used to. The minerals though are not only safe, but also healthy.

    DRINK UP! :-)

  7. I always find it best to drink bottled water abroad and don't have any ice in your drink either.

  8. ive always lived in italy and we buy bottled water. ive never actually tried the tap water. but in italy the water is not clean if it is tap water (even if there are filters). i only use that water for cooking!

  9. i think no but i never beeen there before so .... lol

  10. The water in Italy is fine to drink, it's ok to have ice in your drink, and you can eat salads. Have a good time.

  11. I actually sent a one-pint sample of tap water to a lab in Japan (as I didn't trust a local Italian lab) last year.

    (My wife's nephew was returning to japan where he lives so he carried the specimen with him)

    I suspected heavy metals, mercury, the lot. Surprisingly it came out with flying colors. Very low environmental toxic residues. But...the bacteria (E. Coli) was at .45, which is not that low, comparatively speaking.

    Incodentally best tap water in Europe, incredibly enough: ROME.

  12. I don't know. I drank the water in Jamaica and was ok.

  13. Yes.  That is why all Italians are so thin

  14. italy has great water and it's practically everywhere in rome.  you can fill up your water bottle just about anywhere and its clean and fresh.  i've been as far south as the amalfi coast region and never had a problem.

  15. That's mexico you're thinking of.

  16. all of the water f the taps are daily checked out for colibacterias and pollution, even if sterilized by the uv ray. you are not under any risk. Dont drink too much, now that you know it's for free ;)

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