
Does Italy have the same problem with British buyers flooding in that France does?

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Does Italy have the same problem with British buyers flooding in that France does?




  1. Surprisingly Italy is not as over run with british as you would expect. Houses prices have increased dramatically here recently so there are fewer bargain holiday homes to be had.

    Tuscany generally has more foreign buyers from Switzerland, Germany and America actually

  2. Tuscany-on-sea would have to agree..


  4. In certain areas it is getting that way.

    Particularly Tuscany

  5. Only in some areas. Currently very popular are Le Marche, Abruzzo, Puglia and Calabria due to the relatively low cost of property. The more expensive areas (Italian Lakes for example) have far fewer Brits. Also areas like Rimini are not very popular with Brits as the area is very built up and popular mainly with Italian tourists.

  6. Is it a problem? The French shopkeepers on the way to the bank certainly don't think so. So likely, neither do the Italians, but it is a lot further to go for a carton of ciggies.

  7. Only in some areas. Currently very popular are Le Marche, Abruzzo, Puglia  Calabria AND SICILY due to the relatively low cost of property. The more expensive areas (Italian Lakes for example,tuscany ecc..)are not very popular with Brits as the area is very built up and popular mainly with Italian tourists.

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