
Does Japan have a problem with endangered species?

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For a project I am doing a report on how the government in responding to endangered animals in Japan. After doing some research I wasnt sure if there even was a problem with the animls in Japan. If someone could please give me some sourses or facts, that would help. Thanks




  1. There are 153 mammal species in Japan, of which 3 are critically endangered, 22 are endangered, 13 are vulnerable, and 2 are near-threatened. 1 of the species listed for Japan is considered to be extinct.

  2. There is IUCN Japan and in their Red List, about 9 species are categorized as Extinct in Wild (EW), about 2700 species as Critically Endangered,  Endangered, Vulnerable (CR, EN, VU/ 714 animals).

    (in Japanese)

    The Ministry of Environment issued their red list and said 3155 species are endangered including plants.

    In the website below you can see some species listed. It's in Japanese but at leat you can find picture and scientific name.

    Government and each prefectures are trying to protect these animals/plants.

    Some species are already extinct, most famous one is Nihon Ookami.

    Another famous animal is Toki (nipponia nippon) which is categorized EW.

  3. I just can't see where Japan has a problem with endangered species, especially whales!  They kill as many as they possibly can!

  4. My kids are puzzled with Japanese act too.  They can't understand why Japan being as a whole a greenery, environmental-friendly country would be so cruel to endangered species. Saying something like the species are harmless and so cute.

    Well, they crossed me when I say sth about whales eating too much from our seas causing the fish get less food.

    Well I really don't know.

  5. the j*p governments supports hunting of the endangered species

    the reason is "used for research" such as whales, reptiles from New Zealand and other endangered animals in various countries

    it is a common thing among idiots i guess who doesn't care about the environments and does not understand that this is not the way to treat the eco-system

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