
Does Jeremy Kyle hold a Black Belt in karate ? if not has he held ?

by  |  earlier

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anything else. ?




  1. I dont no, but he annoys me sooooo much.

  2. No he hasn't he has however got a first in ear rape.

    Every week day I have off I am accidently ear raped by the cretin when I try to flick to this morning too late. Grr

  3. According to the newspapers he has been holding a lot of betting slips again lately.

    He should get the" wonderful" Graham to give him some anti-addiction therapy!

    People in glass houses--------?

  4. I could'nt care less, he's a d**k anyway :P

  5. Would not surprise me, needs some type of self defence to protect himself from all his "guest"!

  6. Oh God! I thought I was in the minority in detesting the guy! I have never come across anyone as supercilious as him. How can someone protest his non-expertise and then in the next breath condemn individuals? How I would love someone to go for him.  And as for that cretin 'Graham' (Director of Counselling Services) - Jeez! How can you take someone who is as precise (the beard is prefect, his head is polished, specsavers glasses and he probably has his underpants ironed with a crease) seriously?

    I'd love to see a tag team match between Jeremy Kyle and his bed buddy 'Graham'  and Fiona Philips and that nausiating TV review guy Richard Arnold! Arrrgh. I'd pay to see that (no holds barred of course!).

    The only thing Kyle holds is the record for being so detestable! Not sure about Jeremy Kyle more like Jeremy Vile! *rant over*

  7. You leave Jeremy Kyle alone, I don't see your name on the show titles! TRUE OR FALSE, AM I RIGHT? Now, I think you're scum, you're the scum of the earth. You've got to fix your problems, now, and stop bringing your family down!!! *sudden mood swing* You're alright, mate, you're a good person, I know that. You're having trouble, that's all, that's why you ask these questions.

    Tell you what, I know Elvis Presley's manager, I'll get you tickets to a show with Elvis.

    Did I mention my sister's a heroine addict?

  8. I have no idea, but i wish he would hold a 'live' wire

  9. Jeremy 'DNA' Kyle does not have anything, except a big mouth and an ever bigger ego.

    I wish he would give the DNA stuff a rest, its getting boring.

    PS I very rarely see the program, but when I do its *%$£  face going on and on about DNA.

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