
Does Jesse Jackson's jealousy of Barack Obama stem from his preception that he is losing power...?

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as Barack's power increases?




  1. I think it comes from Jesse Jackson thinking he's the king of all black people in the country.

  2. Jesse Jackson by his own actions show that he is quite ignorant when it goes to relating to other individuals. It is shame when people came to him for refuge and civil rights violations. It is even worsen when he is a man of the cloth does have any respect for other individuals. This is sorry situation for our country to experience.

  3. yes,exactly

  4. Jackson never had any power. He is just a big mouth racist who no one listens to. I think that bothers him.

  5. Jackson has become yesterday's man and he doesn't like it.  His "career" has been founded on playing the victim card and shaking down corporations for their alleged racism.  And politicians have had to suck up to him, any number of presidents have had him along to pray.  Eeeeew, who'd be a pol?  Anyway with a black man as president it's kinda hard to argue that colored people are kept down, and for sure Obama won't have to suck up.

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