
Does Joe Biden Also Have A Radical Abortion View? ?

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I mean does he believe the same thing as Obama that a baby should just die and suffer if its born alive during a late term abortion with no medical care, cause Obama said the doctors are too busy and should not be bothered since the baby was supposed to die anyway. I heard and saw Obama say that. He signed against the Born Alive Protection Act- 2 times exact same even the Fed. one. I just wanted to know if Biden felt that the baby should only be considered a Fetus instead of a baby if its 5-9 months term, and to be left to die too if born alive?




  1. He is a living abortion.

    Vote for life, Vote McCain/Palin.

  2. Give it up.  Abortion is a dead issue.  The Republicans have had 30 years now to propose a ban on abortion, and mostly all they've done is talk.  No less than SEVEN Supreme Court justices have been appointed by Reagan and the two Bushes, each one was promised to be the single swing vote needed to overturn Roe v. Wade but guess what?  30 years and they never even took a case.

    When will it become clear to you that the Republican agenda has nothing to do with 'family values' or Christian morals?  It was just lip service to exploit Christian votes.  You've been duped.  Wise up!


    thats the governments online database of all congressional work and bills.

    go there and type in bidens name.

    you will get all the bills he worked on and voted on.

    thats the most unbiased way you will get any info on any candidate or senator.

  4. Biden is a Catholic.  True Catholics don't even believe in any forms of birth control, much less abortion.  So the fact that he is the VP for Obama is really going to hurt their popularity with Catholics in America.  The Archbishop of Denver even told Biden to skip communion.  

  5. He is not saying

  6. As Obama said at Saddleback Church


    he wants to reduce the abortion rate, just like the rest of us.  He's just unwilling to take his anti-abortion stance so far as to make illegal a woman's choice in the matter, including in cases of rape, incest, or even the endangerment of the life of the mother, as is the case in the GOP platform (although still not McCain's platform).

    Your representation of Obama's voting record is fraudulent.  This misconception has been debunked dozens of times in Yahoo Answers, so you really don't have an excuse.

    Don't extremist conservatives think it might hurt their cause to put out stuff that's so easily debunked? or do they not think their audience would feel its intelligence is being insulted?

    To see this lie fully debunked, go here: (Barack's 40-pg debunking of Corsi's smears)

    or slog through the following:

    Many on this site are falsely presuming that Obama's voting against certain abortion legislation was because it provided babies the right to protection if they survive a late-term abortion.  Obama correctly has pointed out that the existing law provided such protections already, and voted against the newer legislation due to OTHER constraints it would put on the woman's rights.

    The act which failed in the Illinois Senate sought to outlaw pretty much ALL abortions....for any reason including deformity, terminal illness, rape, incest.  The legislation in question threatened the standing abortion laws in the state, while other provisions were bundled in that created liability for doctors, designed to intimidate doctors and make it more difficult to perform legal procedures. So Barack Obama opposed it for that reason, not to oppose protection of babies born alive.

    The act was designed as "wedge" legislation.  It would have no effect on medical procedures, but was designed for just for these sorts of attacks.  When a group does this, they put one horrible provision (the "infanticide" part of the bill) and package it with a bunch of other provisions that assault a woman’s right to choose. Then, when someone votes against the bill to protect that right, they say the vote was over the "infanticide."

    The media have promoted what amount to little more than gullibility tests about Obama and the legislation -- and a lot of people are flunking. In several instances, the media have simply repeated false accusations -- or made the accusations themselves -- that Obama's opposition amounted to support for infanticide.  On the August 18 edition of his radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Obama "believes it is proper to kill a baby that has survived an abortion," while right-wing pundit Ann Coulter said that Obama "wants the doctors ... chasing it through the delivery room to make sure it gets killed." Further, author Jerome Corsi claimed that "[e]ven if a child was born, he said the woman still had the right to kill the child in an abortion," and Oregonian associate editor David Reinhard wrote that Obama's opposition was "enabling infanticide." In fact, Obama and other opponents said the bill posed a threat to abortion rights and was unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct supposedly addressed by the bill.

    So instead of thinking, "Hmm, this sounds just a little too improbable, that Obama would want babies surviving abortions to be killed.  I'd better research this first before I make this claim.  After all, I'm a journalist and don't want to be caught out reporting on something that turns out to be easily debunked, and that most people would think sounds phony from the start.  I don't want to lose my credibility as a journalist," they instead just MAKE STUFF UP, expecting their audience to be dumb enough to fail this gullibility test of a story.

    It's been said that, if it weren't for lack of context, there would be no news.  But this is ridiculous.

    You have to consider the source.  One source of these claims is Jerome Corsi, who has also written that McCain made his wealth through the Mafia and that 9/11 was perpetrated by the Bush Administration.  

    Another source of these claims is Jill Stanek, who says domestic violence is acceptable against women who have abortions.  She also supports billboards in Tanzania that say "Faithful Condom Users" in English and Swahili, written next to a large skeleton, to discourage condom use.  She claims that "aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies" in China to which she added, "I think this stuff is happening."

    Nurse Jill Stanek claimed that fetuses that were born alive at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, were abandoned without treatment, including in a soiled utility room.  

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