
Does Joe Biden come off as a tax-and-spend liberal?

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If you look at what he thinks about "tax reform" and then: drugs, social security, welfare and poverty, healthcare, and families and children, it seems that he wants to take money from the rich and give it to the poor! Is not working your way up from the bottom as much as you can the very essence of capitalism?




  1. Yes.

    I see that "artgurri" does not ever take a look at the tax figures published by the IRS or they would know that the top1% of taxpayers pay 40% of the taxes, while the bottom 50% pay 3%.  So much for the the slight oversight regarding the facts (supplied by your extremely competent and qualified accountant).  The thought that the rich are being supported by the lower classes is absurd and pure fantasy (but in my experience, having absolutely no command of the facts never stopped a liberal from totally embarrassing themselves in public).

    It would be so nice if American voters were actually educated and voted responsibly, but that only happens in my dreams.

  2. Well, that's the typical liberal policy:  tax-n-spend.  They raise taxes so they can spend it however they like - and we Americans are working to support their spending - look at your pay stub and see how much Federal taxes are taken out - that's proof right there!

  3. Oh no! It's someone that doesn't agree with the tax cuts Bush gave to the rich and wants to relieve the tax burden of the middle class... What are millionaires supose to do now....  

  4. BINGO - you got that right!

  5. Of course he's a Robin Hood tax and spend liberal. I thought all liberals agree with that mentality.  

  6. Unlike republicans, he doesn't want to borrow money and pass the debt onto the unborn.

  7. Why shouldn't rich be taxed fairly?  My god, they benefited the most from being in this country, it's time they contribute to it and the government that made it possible.  As it is now, our trickle down economics has it backwards.  All the money of the poor and middle class is going to the rich.  The middle class pays far more in taxes per household than do the rich who have enormous write offs and much of their income is from investments which is taxed at 15% compared to 35% that middle class families pay in taxes from working.  The rich have it far too easy in this country.

    Do you make $250,000 or more a year?  If so then your tax increase will be only about $1500 to $2500 a year under the Obama plan.  Which is about $200 a month.  It's hardly a dent into that annual income. Especially since they had the highest tax breaks under the Bush administration.  If you make less than $250,000 a year, your taxes won't go up at all.  My source?  My tax accountant.

  8. Thanks for a fine question.

    You've done your homework.

    What you suggest is true.

    Mr. Bush has spent 3 trillion by some accounts in Iraq, and added 800 billion to a trillion to the national debt while totally neglecting needed infrastructure maintenance, repair, etc. Tell the people of New Orleans how practical his laissez faire neglect of regulations, monitoring and realism are.

    Mr. Biden has suggested reapplying taxes in place until 2000 to unethical CEOs and other undeservedly wealthy corporate types who've paid next to nothing for the past 40 years.

    While executives in league with neocon Republicans pay themselves 400 times what their highest-paid worker is permitted to take home, and while they take salaries, seniority, middle management idea control, health care, security and jobs away from the working people,

    Mr, Biden has suggested that we stop three things:

    1. A ten percent margin privilege--putting up 1$ for 10$ worth of purchase--handed to speculators alone.

    2. Tax policies that reward corporate gatekeeper 'tsars' for playing takeover games and for sending our manufacturing jobs overseas;

    3. Paying corporate and financial 'tsars' by not taxing investment types of income--used to leverage buyouts, end jobs and send money to overseas bank accounts.

    Mr. Biden is a real person, a man who came from nothing, and one who will favor wage earners over  corporate skim artists and immoral bonus babies who have been handed 75% of all the money in the country by the fed and by voodoo economic neocon Republican failed policies.

    Anyone who would vote for any Republican for either foreign policy fears or economic lies deserves four more years of what we've already experienced. Because they can be sure that's what they'd

    get--but so would the rest of us who know what Constitution-hating  unrealist radicals really want--more power and even less results for the rest of us.

  9. That is the way it seems to you and it seems that you're predisposed to view him in that manner.  However, Biden is an example of someone that worked his way up.  Biden is for social justice and economic freedom.  The guy has been as strong of a friend of the working man as there is in Washington.  

  10. He's a tax-and-spend Liberal, I thought Obama would come up w/better than this -it's a joke- well, so much for 'change'..

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