
Does Joe Biden share Obama's views on the "Born Alive Infant Protection Act"(BAIPA)?

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Does Joe Biden share Obama's views on the "Born Alive Infant Protection Act"(BAIPA)?




  1. I think this whole issue is pathetic....Obama did vote against a bill that had something like this in it...but we all know that all bills are not perfect and have issues in them that conflict with broader issues or simply are inadaquet againt this bill does not make Obama a child killer...this was started by Sean Hannity and is simply a "Swift Boat" attack

  2. You mean "Does he support infanticide?"  well... I don't know.

  3. No, but I wish Obama's parents would have believed in BAIPA.

  4. You are untruthful to your followers about the treatment of babies that survive abortion.

    Shame on the Religious Right for forcing this awful bill on the American people. Obviously, no one has read the bill upon which this bill in ILL is modeled. The intent of the bill is wonderful, but the effects of the bill as written are terrible. No one should have voted for this bill. The intent was to avoid torture of babies that are born alive, but the effect is to force "overkill" of fetuses that "could" be born alive. Prior to this bill the intent of many doctors could have been to make as gentle an abortion as possible and when the abortion failed, to allow the fetus a peaceful death. The bill as written takes away the possibility of using a gentle abortion due to the fact that such an abortion could result in a live birth that would then result in a possible lawsuit for the doctor for failing in his abortion effort. As a result of this bill more aggressive means of abortion must be used to assure the fetus dies.

    Many people such as myself believe the bill could have been written in a much more loving manner and could have allowed the gentle death of fetuses that would die no matter what is done to save them. We have forced our doctors to go from gentle methods to aggressive methods. The religious right should be ashamed of their actions in passing such a cruel bill.

    Another problem with the bill is that if a woman has a miscarriage at home, and is not medically prepared to sustain the life of a miscarriage that is born alive, she can be convicted of murder. This will surely happen should a pro lifer suspect abortion when in fact a miscarriage occurred. Some women will likely be convicted of murder once there is a pro life supreme court.

    This highly morally sounding bill is nothing more than a morsel set out to feed the religious right. It has nothing to do with compassion or common sense.

    It should be noted that most people who read this will have never heard these arguments. And that is exactly the way the pro lifers want it to be. No truth, no honor and no justice is allowed in the abortion debate

  5. I'm not sure he supporters the killing of babies in this way. I would like that question asked to him though. Obama certainly won't answer it except for dancing around the issue.  

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