
Does Joel Osteen love MONEY or what?

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I started reading his book "Your Best Life Now" and I had to put it down because I don't like what I'm reading. The first chapters seem to say the ONLY happiness in life is MONEY/being RICH. Then he writes this in his book..."God usually meets us at our level of expectancy". I totally disagree with this statement. I see no Bible verses in this book. Anyone else disagree with Joel Osteen?




  1. I don't agree with all that he says but he has helped a lot of people and I kind of understand his line of thinking. And i certainly don't think he is in love with money. Matter of fact from what I understand he is a fairly generouse man and has been known to give his shirts away to people who liked them; straight off his own back.

    But then again we or I can find fault with every preacher.  

  2. hahaha! yeah, "god came to me and told me he wanted a mercedes....and he also told me he wanted me to drive it for give freely to the offering..."

  3. beware of false teachers....joel osteen just babbles on  and on about nothing.... there is "token" mention of God, but it is clear that the message is  ME4ME$$....

  4. Like a lot of popular speakers, Mr. Osteen is using the tried and true positive thinking model.  It's worked for years and is making him a lot of money.  I think the difference with him is, he is a Christian as well.  Being a Christian or believer doesn't mean that we must live in abject poverty, although there are those who believe that.  But, when I think of the people I love and who love me, I feel richer than Joel.  I may not have much money and beyond being comfortable, I don't want to be rich.  I get where you're coming from, but remember, some people need a shepherd to lead them and it might as well be Mr. Osteen as anyone else.

  5. I have that Book I love it!!  He is telling you to stop thinking negative and start expecting better in your life!

    What is so wrong with that?  I am sure you love money too!

    Stop hating on the guy!  He is spreading a positive message and the love of God!  What are you spreading, besides your cricticism and negativity?

    Grow up and leave the guy alone, he is doing something good, and living his life while helping others!  Can you honestly say you are doing the same?

    It's so Sad b/c no matter what you do, there will always be HATERS I am glad he doesn't care anf is listening to God!  That book is really Good, I would reccommend it to anyone!

  6. Joel, God, and me, we all loves the money; honey!

  7. Don't all those Anti-Christ only like money

    Like Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Benny Hinn and many other False prophets?

  8. Joel tries to inspire with his words....keep perservering and don't give up, follow your dreams....he's helped me in really dark times of my life.  

    He gears his message to all and hope that you will believe....instead of pushing all the religious stuff...he tries to inspire with story.

  9. Why do you not have anything better to do than to raise one question after another against Joel Osteen's doings. How about you take yr big a*s and shove it somewhere where it might be needed.

      I ain't even a Christian, but take your negative attitudes about money elsewhere, will ya. Plenty of people struggle with money anyway. They don't need your miserable company!

  10. I am glad you have your eyes open.

    He is one among so many that tell the people what they want to hear, things they want to believe...humanism wrapped in the skirt of a watered down, bleached out religion which resembles Christianity.

  11. Mr. Osteen preaches a fake gospel.

    Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

  12. He is another false minister of God.  Along with Creflo Dollar.  These are the flashy ones with the tv programs.  I don't like either one of them.  I watch their program only to listen to the lies they tell the people and both of them have huge numbers of people in their audience.  All the people I see in the audience are deceived by these ministers.  Jesus said many will come in his name and many would follow them only to be worshipping a false Jesus and this worship is in vain.  

  13. You might consider reading Emily Cady's Lessons in Truth. It was written a hundred years ago but highlights some very interesting truths. And she quotes the bible. You can find the whole book online as it is public domain.

    Perhaps Mr. Osteen is talking so much about money because that's a big issue for people. Accepting the prosperity God wants for us is not a bad thing. Loving money to the exclusion of all else is what's troublesome.

    Again - read Cady. When Jesus healed the sick, He didn't say, "After three months you can get up and walk" or "When you complete these requirements you'll regain your eyesight". He healed people in the present moment. Money is just the same - some people are struggling - why should they have to wait for their abundance.

    In the mean time, maybe you could give the book to someone who is struggling.  

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