
Does John McCain's murderous hatred of Iranian people make him unqualified to be president?

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And have access to a nuclear arsenal?




  1. The problem with McCain is that starting a war with Iran is all he cares about.  He doesn't care about record home foreclosures.  He doesn't care about gas prices.  He doesn't care about falling wages.  He doesn't care about affordable health care.  He doesn't care about job losses.  He doesn't care about the shrinking middle class.  

    With his wife's inherited wealth, he's insulated from all of that.  All he cares about is starting a war with Iran and "making up for Vietnam".

  2. That's what presidents do... They kill people around the world. He is qualified to be president...

  3. "Murderous hatred"?  Really?  Wow.  I really am amazed because people like you actually do vote.  What a sad indictment on a democracy.  Nice link by the way.  Oh yeah, you don't bother to supply one.

  4. Murderous hatred?

    Obama said that we should invade Pakistan.  I suppose that's due to his murderous hatred of Pakistanis.

  5. I didn't know he had a murderous hatred of Iranians. How sad.

    When did he say this? That's sick.

  6. He even sang about it.

    Almost like something out of a horror movie or something.

  7. A lot of things make this guy unelectable for President, but yeah, his hatred for an entire nation, as appose to just the terrorists in it, is one of them...

    "Maybe that's a way of killing them." --responding to a report that $158 million in cigarettes have been shipped to Iran during Bush's presidency despite restrictions on U.S. exports to that country, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 8, 2008

    "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran? Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran." --breaking into song after being asked at a VFW meeting about whether it was time to send a message to Iran, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, April 18, 2007 (Watch video clip)

  8. Its got a little something to do with his other money ticket Joe Lieberman hating the Iranians ,claiming  fear for r life when it is they that  want to kill the   Iranians and other mid eastern people,if  nothing else but just in case, ...

    McCain will go to war with anyone if it will make him seem patriotic

    McCain scares me more then Bush

  9. "There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans," he said. "They are plotting to strike again. . . . If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will."

    This is the quote Obama used when talking of invading Pakistan.  Your right he didn't use the word "invade" but isn't that what he means?  Your just playing the typical liberal semantics game, you know does "is" mean "is".  And please show me the link where future President McCain said he had a murderous hatred of Iran.  If not get lost like the rest of the left wing parrots.

    And for those of you too young to remember, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran (a parody of the Beach Boys song Barbara Ann)  was written and played on the radio during the Iran hostage crisis of the Carter Administration.  It was actually quite a popular song.

    Thumbs down me all you want, the truth hurts and you will never respond to a correct answer, you will just call names.  Typical liberal.

  10. i think he might bomb viet nam first

  11. It's better than being their best friend, I mean really, Hussein

  12. Does Obama supporting Infantcide...disqualify him...?

  13. Yes, I really can't blame Iranian's for developing nuclear weapons when they got an American right wing screwball singing bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Who could blame them?

  14. I am an Iranian and every single American that i met where so friendly and lovely and I like them a lot, and within few minuets they had the same feeling - more or less- about me.

    my question is why this guy hate ''ME'' so much?!

  15. My response is the same as McCain... LIGHTEN UP!!!   Please see McCain's response to YOUR YouTube... and he's RIGHT... again!

    Have a right-wing day.

  16. Mccain is a evil son of a gun, all this man cares about is his war stories, and war itself, dangerous person we do not need in the white house.

  17. Libs will try anything. Where is your info on this "murderous hatred" come from other than your delusions?

  18. No it's not that at all! He would do a better job in the war then Bush! But Bush wasted alot of money fighting stupid! Saudi Arabia started this!  Why Israel and to distract the US from gaining a strong dollar to own that oil without war! If McCain wins he should increase the US dollar and force the Saudis to sell to us! Then we tell them hand us Bin Rotten (Laden) ! Bush needs to stop making deals with the Bin Laden family and the SAUDIS for oil! Bush shouldn't of won but Al Gore would of went to war anyway for oil! Our Politics need to be monitored by the public or we will lose our freedom no matter what race,party,income, and whatever makes us who we are in this country!  

  19. mccain is built on violence. he's a born and bred military child.

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