
Does John McCain lack judgment to the point where he can't run the country given...?

by Guest45199  |  earlier

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John McCain exercised "poor judgment" in his selection of Sarah Palin for his running mate. Can you all see the connection between the Keating Scandal...where five US senators were investigated for corruption in 1989 as a part of the S&L crisis during the 1980's and 1990's....The Senate Ethics Committe stated that McCain exercised "poor judgment" in setting up a meeting for Charles Keating (the one under investigation for a failed S&L) when he met with the Federal regulators on Keating's behalf....Again, doesn't this look like the poor judgment that McCain made with Sarah Palin in not performing "due diligence" on her embellished "track record of executive experience" and her scandulous background....




  1. along those lines, liberals shouldn't vote because they lack the judgement to nominate a viable candidate as opposed to the American terrorist Hussein Obama. Can you see the connection between racism, Obama, real estate scandals, Obama, Rezco, Obama, American terrorist Ayers, the fact that Obama was involved in the corrupt world of Illinois politics and never, not once found a situation that he could "change, change, change.

    And picking the 35 year veteran of Washington inside politics Biden. How more empty can Obama's words be? And given the fact that's all he has to stand on is his words, this means he is utterly useless. I can't wait for his demise come November.

  2. I really don't think Sarah Palin was McCain's true choice.  She was a political expediency, and given Obama's popularity, as demonstrated by the huge crowd at Mile High Stadium, McCain decided to try something "s**y," because "experience" wasn't a winning strategy.

  3. No this just shows that you are an O-BUM-A lover an want to do whatever it takes to put the guy down.  What about the reverse racisim of O BUM A followers who just vote for him because of his ethnicity!  John Gibson for President!


    And no matter how McCain and the rest of the Republicans try to sugarcoat McCain selecting Palin, it's utterly ridiculous that McCain would put such an inexperienced person one heartbeat away from ruining this country even further.

    McCain doesn't care about this country.  All he cares about is winning.  And at any cost.

  5. According to a former POW who spent 8 years at the same POW camp as McCain he does not trust McCain's judgment either . Former POW Dr. Phillip Butler said that McCain has a volatile temper and Dr. Butler would not want McCain any where near the red Nuke button.

    I believe what our Veterans say about McCain. Especially those who spent time with McCain in the same POW camp.

  6. McCaine has gone down hill since this election started

    He's been influenced to go way right wing and picked up a bible thumping religious wacko as a VP in an attempt to get votes from all the wackos who think she's great

  7. It's kind of hard to answer a "venting session". You should be more specific in your questions.

  8. McCain is from Arizona where the borders are still wide open for illegals coming across. If he cant see that or pay attention to the people in his own home State what can he do on the world scene, when he had done little in Congress for 25 years except voted every time against the poor person. Case in point the rebate you got this summer he voted against. Maybe he doesnt know what it means to be on the poor side out of a job, since his dad was an Admiral in the Navy as were his grand dad, Sounds like someone treated with kitten gloves until he checked into the Hanoi Hilton? He checks out and marries a millionaire. Most Congressman are millionares and are out of touch with the common man. Lets NOT re-elect any of them.

  9. you want to talk about lack of experience? what about Obama? no one questions the fact that he has no experience when it comes to being president, or anything else. But you won't hear this, because the media loves obama, so all they are going to do is trash mccain and anyone with him.

  10. BULL$HIT!!!! he made an excellent decision and all you dems can shove it. you and your news stations trying to make a big deal out of nothing. even your beloved obama is telling you guys to back off. stop trying to run this woman in the dirt when all she has ever done is stood up to the politicians who are allowing themselves to overpower the people. stop being blind to the fact and elect someone into office who believes in standing up for the people to anyone who stands in the way of americans, thier money, their freedoms, and liberties.

  11. Give it a rest!! Obama has done NOTHING!!! He couldn't run a car wash, let alone a country. McCain is no prize either but a least he isn't a lying bigot like Obama.

  12. As far a poor judgment Barrack married Michelle, he also picked Biden for VP, he was an admitted cokehead, he allows his brother to live in a mud hut while he lives in a Mansion financed by Rezsko, he is running for President of the US and has no experience, he gave speeches to the Germans and thinks they will help him win the election, he wants to tax the US into Socialism, etc., I could go on as these are only a few of his "poor judgments".

  13. On a personal level, I don't feel that Palin was a choice made out of poor judgment at all. Palin has appeal as well as experience, and although some (mostly Democrats) have been critical of this decision, it is impossible to predict what sort of job she, or any nominee, will do.

  14. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. =)

  15. I really don't understand his choice. I consider myself a Republican and I supported McCain. I don't get why he chose someone with so much controversy attached to them. It seems to be more of a gimmick than anything.

    What's scary is McCain is really old and has a history of health problems. Is Sarah Palin (someone with no Federal Govt. experience) really who you'd want as President?

  16. Let me ponder for a moment.  OK.  YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. You ARE Absolutely Correct

  18. Do expect to read anything positive on left wing sites about McCain Half truths are lies my friend,Listen to Rush and hear the truth you mite not like him but the man tells you like it is,Thats why the Liberals are trying to shut him up.He tells them what they are going to do before they do it,Give him a week then decide  

  19. I totally agree. There is already too many things getting thrown around by the press about Palin, not even McCain! I think he is a good go to guy but not a president, and it seems like Palin has bigger personal fish to fry!

  20. he picked her so we can start drilling anywhere we please in Alaska...she is applying for a job way above her pay grade

  21. Precisely. Which is why Palin's nomination for VP is one of the best things to happen for Democrats. It clearly shows the whole country that McCain is not operating on all cylinders.

  22. Watch the Sarah Palin's speech tonight at 10 PM EST for an example of good judgment.

    Joe Biden's son is under indictment, but there is nothing in the elite media about it.

  23. He's just like Bush,and can't help anyone.

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