
Does John McCain suffer from depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Insanity?

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He seems to have delusions of grandeur, bouts of intense rage and anger, indecisiveness, lack of maturity, and tendency to forget things (similar to alzheimers). Just seems obvious he belongs in a Senior house for the elderly rather than the White House. Don't you agree?




  1. frickin' democrats are reaching again. You have no REAL issues to talk about so you have to start the personal attacks again.

    That's why you'll never get the White House back.

  2. Well, you gave a perfect description of Bush, and he's in the White House now, so perhaps the White House is where rich families in the USA send their rich relatives to convalesce when they begin to lose their mental faculties.  Don't forget Reagan, who spent his early years of convalescence with Alzheimer's there.   It's not a bad nursing home.  You won't find a more attentive staff anywhere, although the building itself has some age.  

  3. he is just been a politician, yes he's a little old, but he was chosen by his party , that is democracy ! look at others presidents around the world and u find out what  crazy, delusional , bipolar, egocentric, some of them are. then you will be grateful to be an American, i'm sure the Americans will choose the best. Look Central and south America u have Chavez ( he is crazy giving away venezuelan oil like it was his property,  Ortega a raper, crazy he practices vudu or santeria or sometime like that, they both protect terrorism !

  4. If you want to rant about politics go to that category, Until the stfu.  

  5. John McCain fought and suffered for this country and has a distinguished career as a U.S. Senator.  If anyone suffers from delusions of grandeur, it is Mr. Obama who is running for President after 1 term in the Senate.  

  6. Go suck it.

    John McCain is an American Hero, I'd follow him to h**l and back.

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