
Does John McCain think Women are too dumb to know the Difference?

by Guest65465  |  earlier

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McCain honestly thinks that I am going to vote for him simply because he chose a women. He is Sadly Mistaken. I am a Hillary supporter because of her policies. You Cannot compare Hillary Clinton to Palin. His choice of V.P is degrading to women!




  1. McCain thinks the average citizen makes 5Million dollars a year and are a buch of whiners. McCain has no idea that Hillary policies are different than Palin. All he sees are womens b**bs.

  2. I could not agree with you more.  The comparison between Palin and Clinton is that there is no comparison, save for the fact that they are both women.

  3. maybe he chose her cause he thought she was the right one for the job, ever think of that one

  4. hillary is not on the ticket

  5. Why shouldn't he think that?

  6. McCain is demonstrating his contempt for the intelligence of Hillary supporters if he thinks this choice will sway them.  

    I honestly don't know what he is thinking but I think she is a good choice because it can't hurt the Democrats as other choices may have.  

  7. No, she's a worthy candidate for VP, not just some crusty old white guy because two blacks in office would make even the "tolerant" liberals nervous.

  8. Hillary is a crook whom let people go to jail for her in Arkansas for illegal real estate transactions, and a out right Socialist- queen of free handouts, look at the taxes in NY highest in the nation.  Palin is honest with morals and values, she beats the pants of Hillary without even trying.  Palin will keep your money in your pockets instead of steal it like the liberals.  Palin has a 80% approval rating in Alaska which is historically amazing,  Hillary has a 6% approval rating in the Senate.

  9. You're right. It sounds like he doesn't have a high regard for a woman. His choice is degrading.

  10. how old are you?  hopefully too young to realize how dumb that question is.  why would you compare Palin to Clinton?  she's not on the ticket.  

  11. hey kid....your guys is NOT senator Biden said Obama is NOT qualified!

  12. When I opposed Hillary, it was because I'm a sexist.  That means you oppose Palin due to sexism.

  13. It's only degrading to women who plan to vote for Obama.  As a Republican I think he made a great selection.  Always the maverick McCain has chosen another person who's claim to fame is being a person who will do what is right for the people she represents even if she has to cross party lines to do it.  Now there is a ticket for real change for the better verses change into the unknown.

  14. No he does not think all women are dumb just certain ones like you

    Hilary is not support to any one but hilary is just some people are to dumb to see it lol

  15. I feel that this is incredibly insulting to women.  I think he's likely to have shot himself in the foot with this appointment by not just alienating an entire gender but, pissing them all off in the process.  I can't believe he would do something so transparently misogynistic.  

  16. WRONG. You are a Hillary supporter because you are a liberal, honey-babe. But I agree with you on this: One can not compare Hillary to Palin. Hillary can't hold a candle to Gov. Palin!

  17. Oh my god, are you kidding?  I love her.  I was actually feeling proud of America last night during the DNC convention, but I absolutely love Sarah Palin.  

  18. I'm not a hillary supporter because of her policies.

  19. some women apparently are too dumb to know he is just making a good choice

  20. geez people, HILARY IS NOT ON ANY TICKET!! people talk of being a Hilary supporter like, wishful thinking will somehow make her president.

    So you want to play pretend and vote for Palin and then fool yourself into believing she is hilary clinton. please, just don't vote.

  21. I don't understand how Sarah Palin is demeaning to women. She is a popular and succesful state governor who can clearly state her beliefs and explain her policies.

  22. Yes, I agree. McCaim passed up a LOT of talent to put a token woman on the ticket.

    It might however be part of Stevens' plan to run his empire from his prison cell.

    Them neocons are a sneaky bunch.

  23. Oh please this VP pick has more experience than Obama.   I am more energized than ever about this election.  I am just over joyed with this pick.  Congrats to McCain for this wonderful pick....

    Obama voted 134 times "present" on the senate floor....  He had done nothing!!!

    He can tell a good speech but you need to look at the real issue....

  24. You should actually know a little about something before commenting.  Read about her and you will understand that she is a great choice, a strong woman and someone that actually is different than the Ivy League elitists that are a lot of the problem in Washington.

  25. He's not going after the far left vote, not at all.  He doesn't need it.  There are more than enough moderates out there that will pull for him and his VP.  Quit being so upset and vote for your candidate (he'll need every vote he can get).  


    Sarah Palin is a very strong woman with strong morals and character !

    Hillary Clinton is not !

    I cannot even began to tell you as a woman how much I hate Hillary !

  27. Apparently, not. He picked a woman to be his running mate.

  28. I agree.  But, this another example of how out of touch he is when it comes to ordinary Americans.

  29. ok good for you.

  30. I believe that is exactly what he thinks. Does he give us no credit for being able to think for ourselves....

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