
Does John Mccain honestly believe that Sarah Palin should be President if something happenned to him?

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...or do you think this was just a political calculation?




  1. Obviously he was just trying to attract all the Hillary supporters.  As if the fact that both have a v****a will blot out the incredible disparity in their policies.  Yikes.  Sorry; we girls are smarter than that even if we DO all like to go to the bathroom in groups.  And most of us were already going to vote for Obama anyhow.

    This was the whimper, not the bang, of the end of McCain's candidacy.  Vive le Obama.  Welcome to the prospect for a pleasant future full of positive change.

  2. My opinion?  He does not give a cra* about anything but winning and if he can get the women voters of Hillary's who are holding out by bringing in Sarah Palin then he will do it.  

    There is nothing about the care of the people in politics, just one huge game of I am bigger and better than you.  And uh um I have more houses than you who cares how many are homeless or even hungry.  

  3. apparently but ive never heard of her before!!

    yeah he might want votes from women..

    this is relig

  4. Patriot..

                   Some of the greatest presidents this country has ever known were not these highly educated sophisticated intellects. They were down to earth people that had common sense. Harry Truman came right off the farm for goodness sake . People are always looking for super intellectual super educated super stars when what we really need is someone with common sense.. What good is it if a president has 20 lbs of brains but not an ounce of commons sense to apply it ? Sarah Palin is a woman of integrity and to me and many others that flies much further then so called experience or education ever will ,which is just what we need in times such as this.... Hope this helped..God bless you !

  5. Political calculation, plain and simple.  In theory, Palin may garner the votes of fundamentalists and women.  But I suspect the more women know about Palin, the more women will support Obama.  My opinion.

  6. If we want change...she would be a better leader than obama!  She has a resume to back it.  No.

  7. I think that he wants off-shore drilling in alaska and that is one way he could get it.

  8. And he'd met her once prior to asking her to be VP?


    I just have my fingers crossed that she says something very, very stupid in the next few months.  Maybe some footage of her speaking in tongues will pop up on youtube (she's Assemblies of God).

  9. Sarah Palin has more experience in an executive office then he, Obama, or Biden have combined!

    After hearing her speak yesterday, I was sorry she wasn't the one running for President.  

  10. I think his only consideration was trying to get votes from the Hillary supporters.

    Personally, I think he was out of his mind choosing her.  She might have been a good mayor, and she's a questionable governor, but putting her in the position where she could become president of the United States?

  11. I didnt really follow this but my husband thinks it is a joke

  12. Why is this question in the R & S section? But as to the actual question itself. Palin has been in government longer and has more hands on experience than Obama does. He has done very little while in office except campaign for the next highest office. I think the GOP would like nothing more than have these campaigns begin focusing on the experience issue. Hillarys' 3 a.m. phone call ad was brilliant and I suspect the McCain camp would like nothing more than to drive the point home again.

  13. Karl Rove picked her.  And no.

  14. I would say that he honestly believes nothing will happen to him in the next four years and after working with him for that time, she will be more than qualified! for whether it was just a political calculation, if it was, it worked for me at least!  I wasn't 100% behind McCain and was considering voting for another candidate (NOT Obama...perhaps the Libertarian candidate)...but after reading about Palin's platform as governor of Alaska I am considering doing something I have NEVER done in my 40+ years...putting a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on my truck!

  15. No. He is just trying to counter the "race" factor in the election with a "s*x" factor. He wants to look progressive and open-minded. In other words his advisers made the decision for him.

  16. Apparently, both.

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