
Does KFC cook their chickens alive?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I don't believe they do but my friend does so I looked around the internet and other people agree. I still don't believe it cause most restaurants buy their chicken raw and then cook it but maybe I'm wrong?




  1. No they do not cook the chickens live...

  2. questions like this one makes me hungry...  

  3. No, we do not. Thats disgusting...

  4. Okay, like all successful fast food restaurants they practice what is called a lateral monopoly. What that means essentially is that they farm their own meat, so they are indeed responsible for the slaughter and butchering of the chicken. So nut-job, first year, ill-informed, pot head Peta/Animal Liberation Front activist will insist that they practice inhumane standards of practice no matter how KFC handles this process. In addition to this they will also perpetuate myths, like the on you mentioned (another popular myth is that worms are used in burgers).

    Now think about this for a moment, what possible reason could KFC have to cook chickens alive? In fact, what possible reason would they have to slaughter the chickens in way other then the fastest means possible (which happens to be a near painless decapitation)? Now from time to time there may by a employee who may be sadistic and harm the chickens for personal amusement pop up, but that's just statistics. It's going to happen. And KFC would fire them no matter what that employee's history or position just to avoid dealing with the bad press.

  5. Oh my gosh - that's it for me tonight! I cannot get any more amazed, I simply can't handle any more right now. Think about what would be in the fryer- the stuff nightmares are made of. Your chain has been really jerked! But, Hey - you saw it on the net so it must be true - right? right?

  6. No. Chopped up and ready to fry.

  7. Sarcastic answer.   It would be according to how fast you want it.  Duh!

  8. Your friend probably believes a lot of things.

    Sorry, but chickens are processed at a regional plant before going to a cold storage distribution facility and, only then coming to the store. Think about it, have you ever heard a CLUCK at a KFC? Of course not. That would violate any number of health codes (chickens are filthy animals). Each store receives chicken pieces and other pre-formed parts (their boneless wings, et cetera), their side dishes, their flour, and their oil at least twice a week from the company's distributor.

  9. i hope not

  10. will stop this myth

  11. Whoever made these junk up is obviously jealous they don't have the ability to be that successful.

    If they really do kill their chickens alive, wouldn't people have noticed it by hearing them?

  12. pure myth

    maybe by their competition

  13. Erm I hope not?

    Besides it'll probably be more expensive for the company to transport them live! And I'm pretty sure some animal welfare service would have a lot to say about cooking chicken's live! Andddd I don't think KFC's chicken

    is 100% chicken meat, so they would have to do stuff to it before they cook it?

    Dunno, maybe someone who works there knows?

    And as long as it's dead when it hits your plates, I suppose that's okay.

  14. think about it before asking a question of dubious value!

  15. Erm I hope not?

    Besides it'll probably be more expensive for the company to transport them live! And I'm pretty sure some animal welfare service would have a lot to say about cooking chicken's live! Andddd I don't think KFC's chicken

    is 100% chicken meat, so they would have to do stuff to it before they cook it?

    Whoever made these junk up is obviously jealous they don't have the ability to be that successful.

    If they really do kill their chickens alive, wouldn't people have noticed it by hearing them?

    Dunno, maybe someone who works there knows?

    And as long as it's dead when it hits your plates, I suppose that's okay.

    Oh my gosh - that's it for me tonight! I cannot get any more amazed, I simply can't handle any more right now. Think about what would be in the fryer- the stuff nightmares are made of. Your chain has been really jerked! But, Hey - you saw it on the net so it must be true - right? right?

  16. haha lol know way....

  17. You can answer this question yourself with just a little research.

    Go to your local KFC early in the morning and get in a position when you can see their supply door. It should be in the back, it's where the delivery trucks park and the employees enter. Make sure no one can see you, hid in the bushes or park far away and use a camera with a telephoto lens or a pair of binoculars.

    Watch that door and see if any live chickens walk in with the employees. They may be disguised, so be very watchful.  

  18. No way, its all a myth!

  19. no thhe dont my guy

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