
Does KICKS work in actual combat ? wresler grip karate black belt in 1 second?

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in real life most of the times i had seen that when two humans fight ,they grapple each other and punch other,kicks never work in real fight

there was a fight in out town between wresler and a karate man,wresler grip karate man in 1 second and beat him very badly

does kicks work in real fight,in real fight there are no rules

give your answer in points like










10 so i can choose your answer as best answer

martial artist please give serious answer,please give answer in points and in simple english




  1. yes kicks work in real life combat and when used by a professional, they cause much more damage than punches because our legs are naturally a lot stronger than our arms.

    however, if you are not trained to use your legs, than i would definately stick to my arms because it's much easier to take a man down who is on one leg than on two. i lived in germany for six months and noticed that in europe, people fight with their legs much more. one time i saw this russian guy knock out an american soldier with one kick to the head and these were both regular guys... that should answer your question.

  2. 1# Kicks should only be used to manipulate the fighting range and distance to your advantage, and to distract your attacker/opponent.

    2# Your legs have so much more strength than your arms, but the reason why you dont see many people kick in fights is because they dont know how to.... when you kick you leave your body open most of the time, it also leaves you unbalanced

    3# Close range kicks can be also used (shin kicks) see mauy thai.

    3# IF.. you are able to land that decently executed kick, the chances are the fight will be over, then yes it is certainly works.

  3. Martial artists can break grips. Its possible to break a grip, hop back a bit, and unleash a kick. But martial arts is not all about kicking. They are trained in punching, elbow attacks, and other in-close fighting styles and self defense.

    It just depends on the fighting ability of both fighters. Its either persons win, if you ask me.

  4. martial artist are not street fighters. 99% of the martial arts people have never even been in a real fight or let alone have had to actually defend their lives against an armed attacker.

  5. yes kicks work if done correctly.

    i will format my answer as I please

  6. Kicks work if you know what you're doing. The karate guy was obviously not too good at what he did.

  7. Yeah kicks work.I train in kickboxing and all it takes is a kick to the kneecap or side of the knee to end a fight.

    My cousin is a boxer and im a kickboxer,his punches were useless against my leg kicks and high kicks he didnt know what to do.

    Just watch the ufc the stand up fighter always beats the wrestler,not always but 99 percent of the time they do

  8. okay first of all i want to say that it doesn't matter what belt you are in martial arts, this is because some martial art schools will hand out black belts to anyone whether they have skill or not. Second, kicks can be very devastating in a real fight, one of the ways kicks can be useful in a fight is that they give you long range access to several different parts of the body. If you kick the back of the knee, a fight can be over in seconds, since the knee is the key to your balance if you kick a knee the person will lose their balance. Another place kicks can do some damage at is the groin, seeing as how most street fighters are male, striking the groin may very well be the end of a fight. However strikes to the groin are not always easy to hit as most males especially, males who have fighting experience have fast reflexes when it comes to striking their groin. There are also many other places kicks can be effective at such as the head, solar plexus, throat, toes, shins, arms, even the butt, however to use them effectively in some these places one must have quite a bit of experience.

  9. LOL at the guy who said strikers beat wrestlers in ufc 99% of the time.  What a joke.  He obviously doesnt watch mma.  Anyway, kicks do work and are amazingly effective if...

    1. They are timed correctly

    2. Have good snap to them, etc.

    If a kickboxer is fighting a wrestler, his best bet is to throw lots of well timed low kicks to slow the wrestler's attack down by softening up his lead leg.  The reality, the majority of people who take karate, kung fu, etc., are not real martial artists, they just take classes in it.  So, when you see them lose in a fight, it doesnt mean the martial art isnt good or the techniques arent good, just that the individual you saw wasn't good.  All martial arts work and so do their techniques, if timed correctly and conducted by a competent fighter.

  10. A wrestler or BJJ type of fighter will go for a grab or takedown as fast as possible. And so, yes, kicks are often difficult to use against such an opponent if they are skilled.

    If they are not skilled, they will not expect a kick. This could easily end the fight.

    Then again, if the kicker isn't skilled, he will be knocked off balance and the fight couldbe over.

    So, in the end, it isn't about the techniques. It is the skill of the people in the fight. That is what is important. Skill and spirit.

    Keep analyzing, but don't just beleive what others say. Experiment. Try it yourself. Watch a lot of fights. But remember it is the skill of the fighters. A poor kicker will not be able to make a kick work. A poor grappler would make grappling seem useless, too.

    (What we need are a bunch of McDojo BJJ groups and then people will realize that it is all about skill...)

  11. Kicks are only good if they are fast and accurate. And it will work against opponents who are not experience fighting against kickers.

    Unfortunately against a close range fighter like bjj, boxers, wing chun, southern praying mantis, etc.  These fighters who have experiences against kickers, they move in before or after the first kick, and they stay in close and the kickers become so vulnerable.  They have no idea what to do, and have zero chance of using the 2nd kick. The match is over by knockout punches to the head or by take down and submission.

  12. Kicks are very effective in combat, if used properly. I like to get an opponent thinking "high" with a backfist, jab, or straight punch, then hit with a low kick. I also employ low defensive side kicks or front kicks to stop an attackers foward momentum. In the heat of the moment, when a man is charging at you, a kick is the last thing he'll expect. In a self defense situation, I rarely lead off with a kick though; sometimes your attacker is already inside kicking range, and you have to opt for dirtier, close quarter tactics.

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