
Does Kashi cereal taste good to you?

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I mean not just cereal.Their products in geneal-Drinks,bars,cookies etc




  1. i should try them but i can't even say the name so y buy it

  2. i recently bought the go lean cereal, it might as well be unsweetened because i can barley taste the sweetness...i like the texture of it..overall its an OK tasting cereal but i was expecting something better, but i love the amount of protein in it

  3. Not to me it all tastes like cardboard......

  4. Yuck.  The box it comes in taste better.

  5. The flavored stuff, I tolerate, the straight up cereal tastes like cardboard, but it is hella good for you so I know it is an acquired taste but hey its worth it. Some are good dont get me wrong it is a matter of what you like. They do have some good stuff. I like anything fruity and chocolatey I dont like vanilla too much that is what I really meant. They are good. Try and see what your taste is.

    good night

  6. No, I don't love Kashi products. But I do buy Go Lean cereal once in a while. It's not that bad, and it's super filling which most breakfast cereals aren't. But that commercial "7 Grains On A Mission" ?? I don't know, they flatter themselves a little too much. It's not that great.  

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