
Does Kava Kava really alleviate social anxiety and, if so, in what form and dosage is it best to take it?

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Does Kava Kava really alleviate social anxiety and, if so, in what form and dosage is it best to take it?




  1. Yes it does help with anxiety. The traditional way of making kava includes chewing the roots and fermenting the spit that results from chewing the roots. You will probably prefer to find a tincture in the health food store. While you're there, pick up some Rescue Remedy.

  2. You should read the book "The mood cure". It has a lot of info about natural supplements to help with things like deprssion, social anxiety etc.

  3. I don't think it would help social anxiety in particular, just general anxiety.  Although, my roommate in college used to take this all the time, and she was hyper and crazy.  It didn't work for her at all.

  4. Kava Kava is great for those working to overcome anxiety.  When taken as directed, they help to ease anxiety and better the mood.

  5. Avoid it.  It has been proven to cause serious health problems.  No shyness is worth that.

  6. St Johns Wort is a much better alternative  to alleviate anxiety than Kava Kava.  Basically kava kava is used in fijian and cook islands for ceremonial purposes and is probably the island equivilant for alcohol.

    Also taking a reqular Omega 3 will help with nervous dispositions. Flaxseed oil is also a good Omega 3.

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