
Does Keith Obernut know that McCain has a son serving in Iraq?

by Guest65637  |  earlier

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He just somehow gave Joe Biden an advantaged of sorts because he has a son serving in Iraq.




  1. If the topic is about Biden I see no reason for him to mention McCains' son. I could just picture it:

    "Bidens' son is serving in Iraq which will definitely help the ticket. By the way, off subject, McCain also has a son serving. Now let me go over all the senators and congress members alphabetically who have sons and daughters serving in Iraq..."

  2. He was referring to possible VP candidates for Obama.  It had nothing to do with McCain.  Try and keep up.

  3. Olbernut is the right hand of the Union Illuminati

    CNN tonight sounded like Obama just made a Hollywood movie, oh yea, Hollywood - Union, Media - Union

  4. Acknowledging that Biden has a son who's headed to Iraq has nothing to do with McCain.  After all, the conversation is about BIDEN.

    Paranoid much?

  5. Oh, Obernut probably knows it but he is such a left wing liberal Democrat loving person that he never says anything good about Republilcans and only good about Democrats. That MSNBC should just have it's transmitter turned off. It's a disgrace and so is Keith.

  6. yes but McCains son is tucked deep in a bunker in the green zone

  7. He does, but it gives the ticket a personal connection to the Iraq War that they otherwise didn't have.  


  9. Olbermann may or may not know it but, most important, neither McCain nor any Republican will never get a decent or fair word out of a very nasty person.

    McCain has made of a policy of not mentioning that he has two sons in the military - one who has just returned from Iraq and another who just graduated from the Naval Academy and will likely be on his way over there.

    McCain probably doesn't give a d**n about Olbermann whose ratings are in the toilet anyway.

    Who watches that snark-fest? It's filled with inaccuracies.

    The interesting question about Biden's son, Beau, is that he is currently Delaware's State Attorney General and was always assumed to be the successor in his father's Senate seat.

    He is a member of the National Guard and has just been called to active duty in Iraq.

    Biden's seat in the Senate is up for re-election this year so he will run for both the Senate and VP at the same time.

    If Obama wins, the Democratic Governor of Delaware can appoint a Senator to fill Biden's seat until the 2010 elections.

    Would Beau be able to get out of his military duty to serve in the Senate or would he lose the chance to be appointed to the "Biden Seat"?

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