
Does Kimbo Slice have a future in the MMA?

by Guest64587  |  earlier

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I think he has great natural talent, great striking ability and he has worked very hard with MMA trainers to learn the MMA side of the sport. He has lost a lot of weight and got lean. I think, with time and enough training and experience, he will be a good MMA fighter but he still has a way to go.




  1. Kimbo needs to work on cardio, BJJ and wrestling; his boxing skills are there.  He trains with Bas Rutten, one of the baddest motherfuckers to ever fight MMA, so give him time.  He is a baby in this sport, with only three pro fights under his belt and a little less than a year; he has a long way to go.  He definitely needs to work on conditioning.  I hate to see a pro athlete come to a show and not be in shape to fight.  It is ridiculous.  But yes, he does.  BTW, if he drops to light heavy, he will lose a ton of muscle.  Look at the dude, he probably has about 8% body fat right now.  If he dropped to 205 from 235, he would be nowhere near as powerful.

  2. no he doesnt he was proved a fraud last night

  3. I,ve said this time and time again the mma is nothing but a lot of wannabees fighters first there was no skill showen by either fighter secondly both fighter had no stamina . The fight reminded me of 5th graders rolling around on the ground. Kimbo is 34 years old he is in the wrong game to try and learn how to fight at the pro level at such and advanced age it will never work .I will tell you this if you are a gambler you can make some money on Kimbo loosing soon I don,t think he will be the same fighter that he was 'before this fight he was in a life and death battle with this guy no one knew. I think Kimbo will over think what just happen to him because Thompson was in his ***.I will say this for a guy to be fighting on national TV in only his third fight and be the main event is asking a lot most guys would have slip ed out the back door with that much pressure on them and he got the win thanks to the ref it was one of the worse stoppages I have ever seen Thompson had a lot left ask the ref because Thompson went after the ref if he was as tired sa he looked he would not have gone after the ref. Well mma you just lost another gimmick what,s next two old ladies in the ring . Long live boxing where two men go toe to toe

  4. Yeah, but he'd better hurry up being 33 and all. That guy, James Thompson, he fought last night was 29 and IMHO was a better MMA fighter. Kimbo even said himself he has a lot to learn. He should improve greatly with Bas Rutten as his trainer. We'll see what happens...

  5. Kimbo's team had purchased this fight on Ebay, probably.

    That Kimbo Slice sucked big time tonight. I've expected more out of his fight. The refferee stopped the fight and saved Kimbo out of shame. Any strong fighter out of UFC or Pride would submit Kimbo.

    That was the most terrible fight I've recently seen. These fighters should stay out of professional sport. They both suck.

    I am very sorry for people who paid to watch this circus.


  6. he has a future, but he still needs time with Bas Rutten.  His ground game has not evolved yet, and his cardio is nonexistent.  

    There is no way he could drop to 205 and maintain his power though.  He used to fight at around 280.  If he cut to 205, he would most definitely start losing a lot of muscle mass because his body fat is not that high.

  7. NO. He has not even fought a top 20 ranked fighter yet and has already had trouble winning.

  8. kimbo does have a future but he still has alot to learn.

  9. I think if he trains hard he can be alright but he'll never be in the top rated. MMA fighters are now the best athletes around. They know, stand-up, take-downs and ground fighting not to mention the mixing of all.

    Brock Lesnar has a better future because he has 18 years of wrestling experience and good ground and pound. That gives him an advantage over most fighters. However, Kimbo's best weapon is the stand-up which is quite easily canceled out due to his weak sprawl.

  10. Kimbo sucks.  EliteXC has invested a lot of time and money in him and that is why he won last night.  The fight was fixed and if you know anything about fighting you will agree with me. In the first round Thompson had mount over Kimbo and was dropping punches and the ref says improve your position and then stands them up.  He was in a dominant position ground and pounding Kimbo so there is no improvement to be made.  Same thing in the second round, this time Thompson was dropping elbows which Kimbo could not defend at all.  The fight should have been stopped there.  In the third, granted both men where very tired,  Kimbo lands three good shots to Thompson.  Thompson tries to circle away from the cage only to have that incompetent fer call the fight.  What a sham.  EliteXC is no better then the WWE.  THE FIGHT WAS FIXED.

  11. Yep.  At his age he has to learn a lot of basic things, of which he is probably wide eyed and fuzzy tailed over.  Mainly because he sees alot of holes that were in his fight game when he used to fight on the net.

    He is doing fine. The main thing he need to continue focus on is his Cardio and ground game.  He was sucking some fierce wind during and after the fight.

    Some of it could have been the nervousness of being watched by millions of viewers.

  12. No he has fought the very worst fighters they can find and he can't even handle that low level of competition.

  13. Yes. I think he should have 2 more fights at heavyweight. Then he should drop down 1 weightclass. I think he can make the cut to LHW and still maintain his striking power. His cardio, speed, and mobility will improve, enhancing his ability to defend takedowns and scramble on the ground.

    As far as the drop in weight class, I could be wrong. But does loss of muscle mass necessasarily mean a complete loss in strength? Iv'e seen people who are "skin and bones" bench press 300+ Lbs...

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