
Does Knowledge of Philosophy will make a person Happy?

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i had seen many humans who had no knowledge of philosophy and they just enjoy there life,they are positive thinkers.

i am a philosophy honors 1 st year student,just taken admission

i remain in frustation all the times,i am very egoistic,if someone said wrong to me,i think that day and night burn my blood

when i will gain the knowledge of philosophy does it will make me a happy person




  1. I am a third year honors student in philosophy:

    Aristotle, which you will read, said that happiness is the ultimate function of a person - the 'end' virtue. In other words, our final-cause is happiness.


    Philosophy will not necessarily make you happy, but often philosophy majors are happy with what they do. I choose this major after my first philosophy class, and I loved it - it is tought at times; all the symbolic logic, arguments, analyzing, et cetera can be difficult on the mind, but in the end it makes you stronger and helps build good character. We spent a lot of time analyzing moral-dilemmas and possible solutions to those dilemmas, for instance. It is not every day that a person gets the oppurtunity to discuss these matters in a intellectual setting, that has great applicability as well...

    Some philosophers deny the possibility of knowledge altogether; they are  called epistemic skeptics. Philosophy is greek for 'the love of wisdom'. This does not mean, as 'lovers of wisdom', that we will achieve happiness, rather it means that we love wisdom, that this is what would make us happy, allegedly.

    In philosophy, you would have been ridiculed for even using the term 'positive' in your sentence. For instance, what does it mean to be a 'positive thinker'? What properties does a thinker who thinks 'positively' have? Or, is 'happiness' a property of objects, is it a mental-state; what does the term mean? Is it reductive or nonreductive? Is goodness a natural property? What sort-of act is a 'just' act ?.......

    Any way, you will see some of that soon enough: hopefully those answers will help you in your quest.

  2. If knowledge of philosophy leads one towards enlightenment, and enlightenment towards happiness, then YES. It may be a long pursuit, but don't forget that the goal of philosophy is to enlighten and not to confuse.  It's never easy for a  man to be happy if he remains confused. Be enlightened then in the pursuit of happiness.

  3. I will make this answer short and sweet!

    Nothing  MAKES a person happy! We choose to be happy, or we choose not to be!  There you have it!!  Cheers!!

  4. Philosophy makes you happier and sadder about existence at the same time.

  5. If you study philosophy in the pursuit of happiness, You are on the wrong track. Happiness cannot be studied or learnt.

  6. Surely not ,but it may  make quiet   coz it will broaden your outlook  ,your attitude though not completely but it is certain it can bring some changes in  u if u love and read the subject  heartly  .As u will learn what ego is ,its status  ,its importance etc.

    All the best !

  7. Interesting question.

    It reminds me metaphorically speaking like this.........

    the person who seeks peace and enjoys talking about the pursuit if finding that peace.  Enjoys the war stories about, the being in turmoil and trying to get back to peace. There are celebrations of anniversary's of conflict beaten out by peace.

    Similarly those who seek to know truth and knowledge have an intense desire to rehash the roads to their Epiphanies after hours  and hours of analysis and hot debates to get to that sense that the pursuit in it self should be glory enough in its self, yet the completion of such contentment of knowledge isn't the peace once sought.

    In the end it is the journey, the questions, the debates, the enlightment only to want for more.

    It takes a discontent to travel that road.that needs to be travled again and again.

    Those with no knowledge of philosophy aren't happier unless they are idiots and easily pleased.

    It is easy to be a positive thinker when things are going positive.

    Remember this song.........Don't worry be happy!

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