
Does Korea University have a football team?

by Guest62419  |  earlier

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I want to goto Korea University for Graduate school when i graduate in May. I was reading that they do have one. However, you can't trust everything you read online(lol). I am just curious if they do have one and it is hard to get onto?




  1. No dude.

    If Korea had a football prgram, who do they play?

  2. Football as in soccer, yes. Football as in American football no.

  3. Do you mean you want to be a football player there? As far as I know(I'm a Korean) there are few rugby teams and no American football team. If they make a team, I wonder if they will accept you as a player. I have never seen or heard of  foreign sportman in Korean colleges.

  4. no they would be slow and run sideways. but, they would be good on slant routes.

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